The legendary DC Comics has teamed up with the awesome HeroScape board game to give you a change to help create a comic character! There's a mystery character coming up in HeroScape #3 and, with this contest, you could be the one to create it. Here's the scoop on this contest and how to enter it.
CD Comics and HeroScape Game Contest Details
The coolest thing about this contest is that it's only for 8-12 year olds! The Grand Prize winner gets to go on a three day/two night trip to New York, tour DC comics and spend $250 (US) on toys. Plus, you'll have your creature show up in the fall issue of the HeroScape comic. Twenty-five other winners will score a HeroScape poster signed by all the artists.Entering the DC and HeroScape Contest
To enter it, the first thing you should do is sit down and, in 250 words or less, write about the character. Make sure you give them a name, say whether it's a boy or girl, say what kind of creature it is, what kind of powers it has, where it's from and what it wants to do. Then, when you've made your creature, get on the Net and follow these directions.Wasn't that fun and easy? *twitch* Yeah, I know, it was a pain. Kidzworld contests, like this contest where you can win the HeroScape game and expansion packs, are much easier to enter. And, the HeroScape contest is open until June 15, 2005 and you can enter once each day. So, go get 'em! If you do win, and let him know!
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