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HeroScape: The Battle of All Time Board Game Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Battle US soldiers, elves, dragons, robots and more in the battle of all time board game - read our review here!

Want to command heroic US soldiers in battle against fierce dragons, strange monsters, robots and even elven warriors? That's what the HeroScape board game is all about! As pools of power appear, brave warriors battle in strange worlds to control them so they don't fall into evil hands. It's a strategy board game of miniature combat with a twist. Here's our review.

Battle Basics for the HeroScape Board Game

You play the game by building an army from the plastic figures that come with the game. Your army can have US soldiers, hideous monsters, brave vikings, elves and more. But, the stronger the warriors, the more points they cost. Next, you take the tons of plastic bits and build a 3D battlefield with hills, rivers and hidden secrets. Then it's time to battle!

Awesome HeroScape Battles

The best part about the HeroScape board game is the horde of plastic map pieces. You can use 'em to build mountains, ancient ruins, secret bases or anything else you want. They're great for the HeroScape game, plus you can use them for other action-figure games. New players can kick it with the basic game, which is fast and easy, or you can play the advanced game for more strategy options. The HeroScape warrior figures are also awesome - solidly built and deadly looking.

Final Battle Results for the HeroScape Board Game

Other than it taking a while to set up the battlefield, HeroScape is a rockin' game. There's a ton of fun stuff that you can play with in HeroScape or in a ton of other games to make 'em more fun. There are even packs of extra warriors you can grab to add more action to the game!

HeroScape Board Game Thumbs Up:

  • Cool plastic warriors to battle with!
  • Terrain you can build any way you want.
  • Simple and Advanced game modes.

    HeroScape Board Game Thumbs Down:

  • Building the terrain can take a while.

    HeroScape Board Game Rating: 5

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