The Sony Playstation was a wicked game system back when it was king. One hardcore gamer has put the power of the original Playstation in the palm of his hand, with the palmPSone. Check it out!
How Does the palmPSone Work?
It's just like a
Playstation. All the electrical bits are the same bits you get in a Playstation - they've just been pulled out and put into a smaller system. The Playstation
game disc goes on the back of the
palmPSone. The screen is
5" wide and crystal clear. You can plug in a joystick and headset if you want. There's even a slot for a
memory card.
PalmPSone Playstation Game System Flaws?
Courtesy of palmPSone |
Ok, there is a problem. It
eats batteries for lunch, breakfast and dinner. It takes
12 batteries to run this beast for
1.5 hours. Yowza! The good news is, you can grab adaptors so you can plug it into a wall, or a car. Just don't try playing this sucker on the bus. The other bummer is that there's
only one of these things. The guy built it in his garage and only has the one. He might make more, but Sony would have a problem with that.
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