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Simon's Blog - October 26, 2004

Dec 27, 2006

October 26, 2004

My first date with Rachel went really well. It turns out she's actually super hot, not just kinda hot. We met up at the mall by the movie theater and she showed up wearing a tight t-shirt and jeans and looked really good. And she's not just a hottie - she's also super cool too. She brought me a Sum 41 CD as a gift - and it's only our first date!

We spent a couple hours at the mall playing video games - I totally kicked her butt at Offroad Fury. We then spent the rest of the day checking out possible Halloween costumes. She invited me to her friend's Halloween party next weekend so I bought some freaky makeup and I'm going to dress up as a zombie or Frankenstein. Rachel's planning to dress up as a witch or some sort of sorcerer.

I totally wanted to kiss her before she left but her older sister was waiting for her in the mall parking lot, so I chickened out. But no big deal - she'll just want me even more when we meet up at the Halloween party and we'll be making out like crazy for sure.

What are you guys all doing for Halloween? Going to any cool parties? Got any scary costume ideas? and check out Kidzworld's Halloween Section if you're looking for more scary Halloween ideas.



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