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Quiz the Coach - Curveballs and Change-Ups

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Quiz the coach helps teen and tweens with sports and fitness related issues and problems like obesity, healthy eating questions, skateboard tricks and P.E. dilemnas. - Page 16

So ya dig sports but need some help with your game? Don't understand some of the rules of football, basketball or hockey? Got a gripe about P.E. class, skateboarders, cheerleading, coaches, or anything? Why not ?

1Hey Coach,
I am a pitcher but I only know how to throw two pitches - a fastball and a knuckler. Can you tell me how to throw some other pitches?

Hey nmbr2

The fastball is the most important and effective pitch in baseball, so always keep practicing your fastball, even as you learn new pitches. Here's a few tips on throwing and gripping a couple of different pitches - the curveball and the change-up.

The Curveball

  • The curveball is often used way too much by young pitchers, so it's best to save it until you really need it. Try throwing a curveball to a hitter with two strikes and one or two balls, and you may be able to get them to chase a pitch they can't hit.
  • Grip the baseball by putting your index and middle fingers on the hump (between the seems), while putting just a little pressure on the ball with your middle finger and thumb.
  • Remember to keep your elbow up when throwing a curve and as you release the ball make sure to pull your arm throughout the pitch and snap the pitch into motion.
  • It's especially important for young pitchers to use the proper technique when throwing a curveball or they could damage their arm. Make sure you get proper instruction from your baseball coach.

    The Change-Up

  • The change-up is a great second pitch because if it can be thrown as a strike it will keep the hitter off-balance when they are thinking fastball. This pitch also puts very little stress on the arm so pitchers can throw it more often.
  • The change-up uses what is called a circle change. This means that the ball is gripped by putting the tips of your thumb and index finger together on the side of the ball while your other three fingers are placed toward the top.
  • This allows you to vary the speed of the pitch and when it is thrown well, it tends to sink away from the hitter.

    Remember: these are only tips on how to throw a curveball and change-up

    For a look at some other pitches, click here.

    Do you need tips or advice on sports, fitness or health? to the Kidzworld Coach. Keep in mind peeps, the Kidzworld Coach isn't a doctor or a professional athlete or anything like that. He's just a dude who digs sports, plays 'em and knows a lot about 'em. You should always talk to your 'rents, a doctor or your school gym teacher before starting a new sport or a new exercise.

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