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The Rose Comic Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

A long time ago in a galaxy far... no, wrong fantasy. One of the most popular characters in the world of BONE, Granma Ben, has been given the royal prequel treatment. Check out The Rose.

Author: Jeff Smith

A long time ago in a galaxy, wrong fantasy. One of the most popular characters in the world of BONE, Gran'ma Ben, has been given the royal prequel treatment. Young Princess Rose, as she was known way back, and her sister Briar, were in training with the Veni Yan masters so that eventually one of them could become Queen.

Bare Bones

Not being a BONEhead, I didn't know what to expect from this graphic novel. I may be looking at the world of Dark Knights and web slingers through rose colored shades, but to me, a graphic novel has to have buckets upon buckets of beauty shots. Frame after frame of suitable for... you know, framing! And Rose is, well, kind of bare bone. Except for a cameo by the pocket dragon from Mulan, the story is pretty tame.

The Bottom Line

As an introduction to swords, sorcery and all things old, Rose is alright, but if you are old enough (or young but you've got just enough of the clevers) to hang in this hood, maybe it's time you left the skinny books behind and introduced yourself to the world of words without pictures. Spend some quality time with giant spiders in the labyrinths of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit or browse The Merlin Trilogy (The Crystal Cave, The Hollow Hills, The Last Enchantment) by Mary Stewart and brush up on your incantations in King Arthur's court.

The Rose RATING: 1

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