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Magic: The Gathering: Fifth Dawn Set Preview

Dec 27, 2006

Wizards of the Coast's hot card game of strategy and skill, Magic: The Gathering, is warming up another wicked looking expansion set. The buzz is on for Fifth Dawn and the new game powers it'll bring to your killer deck strategies - Sunburst, Bringers and Scry. We've got a preview for you plus the 411 on the Mirrodin set's fantasy story and what these new powers do. Check 'em out here!

Magic: The Gathering Card Game - Fifth Dawn Story

The Mirrodin story trilogy wraps up with the Fifth Dawn set when Glissa, Bosh and Strongbad, er, Slobad, drag the Kaldra avatar down to Memnarch to kick his butt. Boy does stuff go wrong when Memnarch takes control of the avatar. Glissa and her friends end up having to run like heck from the avatar before it turns them into people-butter. At the Radix, just before she gets squished, Glissa pulls some serious mojo together and unleashes a huge blast of green mana from Mirrodin's core. This wipes out the berserk avatar and creates a glowing green sun - Mirrodin's fifth dawn.

Magic: The Gathering Card Game - Fifth Dawn Set Info

The Fifth Dawn card set is made up of 165 different cards. 55 of 'em are artifacts so they can be packed into any deck. The rest are regular cards, but they have these new powers:


These are a group of creatures that can be summoned for their regular cost, or for a cost of one point of each mana color. The more colors of mana you have in play, the stronger they get.


You'll find some instant and artifact cards with this effect. It lets you look at the top two cards of your deck and rearrange their order so you'll know what you're drawing.


These are powerful 5/5 Trampling creatures that do something fierce during your upkeep. They cost a bundle, 9 mana, or one point of each color; Black, Blue, Green, Red and White. So, use a variety of colors in your deck and powerhouses like the Sunburst Behemoth can be summoned on the cheap.

Sound cool? You better believe it! Is it cool? We'll bring you the 411 once the set drops and we can check out the cards. Stay tuned to Kidzworld and you'll be the first to know. In the meantime, check out these Fifth Dawn cards:

Fifth Dawn Expansion Set Cards
The Staff of Domination card from the Magic: The Gathering Fifth Dawn expansion set gives your deck more power to squash your opponents.
With the Crucible of Worlds card from the Magic: The Gathering Fifth Dawn expansion set you can change the way the game is played.

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