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Microsoft Baseball 2001 :: Free PC Game Demo

Dec 27, 2006

If you're looking for some gum-chewing, loogie-spitting, crotch-scratching, baseball action to liven up your computer and keep you from getting too much homework done, Microsoft has the answer. Microsoft Baseball 2001 packs all the features of America's fave game into a nice neat bundle.

Microsoft Baseball 2001 is a solid game. The graphics are good and most of the players look like the real-life players. Mr. Mullet (Randy Johnson) looks a bit short but he still has a rocket of an arm, so it's all good. The sound is dead-on, the announcer does a good job, and if you're into managing teams, this game rocks. Tons of trading options, that are totally easy to use, let you build your dream team in no time.

There are a few things that can be a pain in the butt, though. Nothing huge, just a glitch here and a glitch there that'll get you cussin' up a storm, like when someone you tagged at first base makes it to second. Or when you can't see the pitcher cuz the batter has decided to stand on top of home plate.

Age Rating:



Computer - Windows 95/98, 200Mhz CPU, 32 MB RAM, 2MB Video Card, 130MB Hard Drive Space.

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