A woman came home from work one day to find her Doberman pinscher lying in the front entrance gagging and choking. She dropped her purse and tried to clear her dogs throat, but had no luck. Picking him up she rushed to her car and sped to the vet.
A woman came home from work one day to find her Doberman Pinscher lying in the front entrance gagging and choking. She dropped her purse and tried to clear her dog's throat, but had no luck. Picking him up, she rushed to her car and sped to the vet.
The vet looked at the Doberman right away and said he'd probably have to operate in order to remove whatever was blocking the dog's windpipe. He told the woman to go home and he'd call her later to let her know how things went. Meanwhile the dog was still gasping for air, gagging and growing weaker.
The woman went straight home and had just managed to close the front door behind her when the phone rang. It was the vet who seemed very excited.
"Listen carefully," he said in an urgent tone. "I want you to hang up when I tell you to and run out the door. Go to a neighbor's and wait for the police to arrive. I've already called them. Now! Don't say a word and don't hesitate, just get out of your house!"
Frightened and alarmed at what the vet had told her and at his tone of voice she wasted no time getting out of her house. In a few minutes the police car arrived with its siren screaming. The police explained the vet had found two fingers stuck in her dog's throat. Two human fingers! He figured that someone must have been trying to break into the house and the Doberman caught him. He might still be in the house. The police searched the place and found a man in the bedroom closet, cowering in the corner. He seemed to be in shock and was trying desperately to stop the bleeding on his right hand from which two fingers had been neatly ripped off.
Yeah, sure, some dog ripped off a man's finger trying to break into an
old lady's house. Right....
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: Aidu2Cute
Age: 15
I don't believe that story. The dog should have died.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: Mikedollar
Age: 15
Mikedollar, what in God's name are you thinking? Oh, the dog should have died? Yeah right! Dobermans have been known to protect their home at any cost. Their teeth are powerful enough to rip off a baby's head foo! It has been known to happen in other places too! Like that Doberman in Atlanta who killed a man who was trying to kill his master! It is true.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: Ligar0X
Age: 13
No way! I mean, it could be true but EXAGGERATED. Anyways, by the time that woman found the dog, went to the vet and all that stuff, the dog would have died! If the vet lived like down the block, MAYBE....
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: AshleyRoxxx
Age: 13
We are not crazy but this story sure is!!!!!
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: Daisygirl349
Age: 13
I have a doberman and I have taken it to training its whole life and police dog training also. I think this story is true because these kinds of dogs are bred to be over-protective of its home and family. My dog has saved me and my home many times and it has bit off a guy's finigers also. But she didn't swallow them, she spat them out. They are the best type of dog, that's for sure.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: destero
Age: 15
I doubt that the dog would have lived long enough with the fingers choking him, but I do believe that he would have died trying to protect his home and/or family. So the story may be true, depending on what fingers he bit off. They may have have been his pinky and ring finger, and he may only have bit off the upper halves of them.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: Water_spirit
Age: 15
I believe it - I have had two dobermans and they really do protect the house. My one doberman would hide behind the door and then just follow the people around the house and if she trusted them then she would loosen up. My other doberman wouldn't even let our close friends that she knew in the house to feed her!
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: i12surf2000
Age: 14
Believe it or not? what you think.