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Dear Dish-It, He Likes Me but Won't Admit It

Dec 27, 2006

Dear Dish-It, is here to whisper "ttyl when I've thought about this some more".

Dear Dish-It,

I just read an article on how this person thinks being fat is ruining their life. I really think that applies to me too. My sister calls me fat-back and fat hog and a fat piece of fat. My brother calls me a fat piece of goo. That really hurts my feelings but they don't care when I cry. It doesn't happen everyday but it happens like once or twice a week. It happened today and I started crying but my sister just kept on. My mom always tells her to stop but she still does it everyday. I look up to my sister and all she does is make fun of me. My brother also. If I would tell my sister I love her she would tell me that she doesn't care and if I say I hate her (I really don't, I just say that cuz she just tortures me,) she would say that she don't care. So she doesn't care what I say and I feel that she thinks that I don't matter. Sometimes she threatens me and calls me a nasty roach. I don't think that they love me. I sometimes feel like running away. I'm only 11 but I really feel like killing myself. My sister is 15, turning 16. My brother is 14, turning 15. I'm the youngest and I don't have much in common with them. Plz help me.

Dear Khaleed_girl,

I feel for ya. Being picked on sucks! The worst thing about brothers and sisters is that they seem to know how to push your buttons worse than anyone else. That's because they know you better than anyone else. Here's the deal... you've got to develop a thick skin. The reason why your sis and bro are doing this is not because they think you're fat - it's because they know it bothers you. Your bro and sis are older and at ages where they think they are too cool for skool - and too cool for you. Your email says you are only 11 so there is a gap in your ages and, at this age, it makes a big difference. Chances are when you're older (say about 14 or so,) and your bro is 18 and you sis is 19, they'll be nicer to you and you'll understand each other more. In the meantime, when they start with the useless, cruel names, just ignore 'em. Go into your room and crank your tunes or go hang with a friend. Remember that THEY are the ones being putzes, not you. Hang in there!

Dear Dish-It,

I have two problems - #1 is that I am thirteen years old and I am five foot 11 - just south of six feet. I have never been kissed or been asked on a date. I let the boy ask the girl out because I am not very forward. How could I get someone to ask me out without asking them?

And my 2nd prob is, I have this boy I think likes me but won't admit it. He touches my hand all the time and when I'm upset or crying he comforts me. One time, I was upset because some kids were making fun of my brother and my friend told him to give me a hug and he said he wanted to make-out with me. We went out once to a movie but 2 of his sisters and his mom came. Wassup with him? Does he like me or not? Plus, he calls me all the time and I do *69 and it's his number!

Dear Piggyluv13,

Okay, your first problem isn't a problem. Being tall is an asset. Supermodels are tall, professional b-ball girls are tall - lots of people dig tall chicks, so relax on the height issues. I guess it's just hard when you sprout up before everyone else, but I doubt that is the reason you've never been on a date or been kissed. I think the time's just not right. It's fine to be shy, or old-fashioned about asking guys out, but that means it will take a little longer to snag that special someone. If you're looking to move the process along a little quicker, drop hints. Ask your crush, "Hey have you seen that new flick? It's supposed to be great. I am dying to see it." stuff like that - maybe he'll take the hint.

Now your second prob - also not a problem. The dude digs ya. Definitely. But judging from his behaviour - calling you and hanging up so you have to *69 him and taking you out with his fam - he's not ready for anything too serious. My advice is to keep hangin' with him, use the above hint technique to score a date with him and wait it out.

So, ya gotta burnin' question? Need some love directions? Thinkin' 'bout stuff like depression, sex,how ya feel 'bout YOURSELF (that's called "self-esteem"), boyfriends, girlfriends, losin' old friends, bullyin' or peer pressure, but too scared to ask the parents? Don't be scared to .

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