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How to Use a Tampon

Dec 27, 2006

Whether it's concerns about body image, personal hygiene or other health-related issues, we've got the info to help keep you fit and healthy. It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl, the Locker Room is the place to come for any probs you have with your bod. Check out what Kidzworld members have on their minds!

How Do I Use A Tampon?

I have my period and I want to try tampons because I do competition dance and pads are extremely uncomfortable and I don't necessarily like the idea of sitting in my own blood. But I have never tried tampons before. So, I was wondering - is it better to try them for the first time while you're on your period or before it comes again? I've heard it's better for both. Please help!

Getting Your Period - What Products to Use

Learning all about puberty and the world of menstruation can be pretty overwhelming - and the thought of using tampons makes it even scarier. But there is really no reason to be freaked. Tampons are perfectly safe and quite easy to use once you get the hang of it. Check out these tampon facts before you try using one for the first time.

Facts and Fiction About Tampons

  • Only use tampons during your period
  • Be sure to always wash your hands before inserting a tampon
  • Change your tampon regularly - at least once every four to eight hours. If you can still see white fibers when you remove your tampon, you probably need to switch to a tampon with a lower absorption
  • Never use more than one tampon at a time. If you are concerned about leaking, double up by wearing a pad as well, until you are able to find the right tampon absorbency for your body
  • Tampons come in light flow, regular flow, heavy flow and often extra-heavy flow absorption levels. There are even junior flow products for teens
  • You do not have to remove a tampon before peeing; nothing will happen if you get the string of the tampon wet
  • You cannot "lose" a tampon in your body but you do want to always remove them to avoid any build up of bad bacteria.

For more information on how to use menstrual products like tampons and pads, head on over to www.beinggirl.com

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