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The 411 On Breasts, Periods And Puberty!

Jul 16, 2014

Hey girls! Need the 411 on your period, breasts, puberty or other female health issues? Then check out this week's Locker Room!

Could It Be My Period?

I am 14 years old and a late bloomer. I think I might be getting my period but I am really not sure because it is brown and sticky, (it might be discharge.) Well, I am totally confused and don't want to tell my mom because I know she will tell everyone I know and I am embarrassed cuz I am so late.

What's Normal - Period Facts

The appearance of a brown, sticky discharge is a good indication that you've begun your period. A girl's first period (also known as menarche,) is rarely the Niagara Falls gush of blood that you might be expecting. Instead, it is usually quite light and can often be brownish in color.

Quick Facts About Periods and Puberty

Reasons why you might not have your period yet: you're very physically active, you're under or overweight, or you are under a lot of stress.

For info on breasts and how to keep 'em healthy, click here.