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Prehistoric Worlds Book Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Some books come with fuzzy covers and some books even come with their own lock. Prehistoric Worlds comes with a warning: Beware of dinosaurs that will suck you into the pages of this book.

Author: Dougal Dixon and Andrew Charman

If you like to munch and read at the same time, then good luck if you're reading Prehistoric Worlds. Unless you're prepared to leave smudgy food prints, lay off the snacks. Prehistoric Worlds has enough flaps, folds, tabs and wheels to entertain your grubby fingers for hours.

Jurassic Fun

Prehistoric Worlds is a colorful book by Discover Plus that explores rocks, minerals, dinosaurs and fossils - including a few secrets that only fossils can tell us about dinosaurs. The photos are bright and interesting and the graphics are detailed. Even if you can't read, there are tons of pictures, which makes this book great for everyone from grannies to high school dropouts. There's still lots of text but the book isn't written like a novel. It's broken down into small paragraphs that are easy to understand, as well as interesting.

Prehistoric Worlds is FanTABulous

About those flaps, folds and tabs. Every page has something to play with - some pages have hidden pictures while other pages have mini-books pasted on them. There are wheels to spin, like the one that shows you how a fossil is formed. Some of the pages are plastic with colorful drawings on them. There are tabs to pull (like the one that makes two Pachycephalosauris charge each other), charts to pull out and even sections of pages to unfold.

Final Verdict

Whether you keep Prehistoric Worlds next to your bed or use it as reading material on the bus, this book will fill you in. It's stacked with interesting information and is easy to follow. Just don't let the moving dinosaurs and pictures of skeletons scare you.

Prehistoric Worlds RATING: 5

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