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Should We Be Fighting This War? Feedback

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

As the war against Iraq is now underway, were asking what you think about the most recent conflict in the middle east. Should we be fighting a war? Are the United States, Britain, Spain and Portugal just in their crusade against Saddam Hussein? You decid

1 OK, this is the second message I've sent. I really think that confused1988 is wrong. I know it will affect families and other people's lives. I think there should be WAR!!! I really agree with you faeriequeen. Most of my friends agree too that there should be war!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: sweeten_56
Age: 14

1 I know ya'll are sick of me debatin' with confused1988, but I just want to say my peace and I'll be done.
#1. We DON'T use 30 of the world's strongest armed forces! WE have their support but not their troops.
#2. In case you failed to realize, we have ALWAYS had access to China, Pakistan and India. Can you say, DUH?
#3. Hello? We didn't take control of the oil, we simply - nevermind, none of this will go through your head anyway.
#4. I don't know if your from America or not but if you are you should be grateful to our armed forces because they have given us our freedom time and time again. We should respect them.
#5. Did I SAY that Saddam was the target?! NO! I said he was one of them. And to get to Saddam there are millions of other terrorists that we must get to first.
#6. The millions killed in Palestine?! What are you talking about? All they do is kill the poor Isralis!
#7. BUSH isn't the one that causes all the cancer and other diseases in Iraq! Diseases are everywhere. Do you HONESTLY think one man could do that? And even if he could, Bush is a good person - he wouldn't do that. Ya know, confused is a good name for you because you don't know what you're talking about.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: faeriequeen_91
Age: 13

1 That only displays more of your ignorance, faeriequeen_91. Where did I say that I didn't care about 9/11? Oh I care, but does that mean that I shouldn't care about all the other millions of people dying everywhere else - but only about a few thousand in New York City?

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: confused1988
Age: 15

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