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Should We Be Fighting This War? Feedback

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

As the war against Iraq is now underway, were asking what you think about the most recent conflict in the middle east. Should we be fighting a war? Are the United States, Britain, Spain and Portugal just in their crusade against Saddam Hussein? You decid

1 Under Saddam's rule, your comments and suggestions would be considered as threats and you or your family would be subjected to either acid baths, torture or even witnessing your mother or father being executed because you spoke out. If Bush was Saddam, you would be dead confused_1988. We should (and are) the protectors of liberty and humanity.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: truthseeker
Age: 16

1 Aight, ya'll need To calm down. Saddam is screwed. He's been screwed since we found out he was breaking resolutions, he supports terrorists, and kills his own people. Bush is trying to protect us from being attack with cowardly acts of terror by those sissies who try to get us off guard. So either you're with me, or you ain't. Peace out ya'll.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Twizt3d813
Age: 14

1 No, the war is bad but it had to happen.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: joel raj 33
Age: 14

1 I'm glad we went to war. After what they did to us, it's only right.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: chastity_2006
Age: 16

But wait! There are more kidz submits for you to read and respond to, right here, including more from Kidzworld member confused1988!

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