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Video Game Hall of Fame, Fallout 4 and Star Wars Uprising

Jun 04, 2015

In video game news this week, six classic games were inducted into the Video Game Hall of Fame. We also got trailers for the highly anticipated Fallout 4 and Star Wars: Uprising. Check it all out below!

Who Was Inducted Into the Video Game Hall of Fame?

Six classic video games have been inducted into the Video Game Hall of Fame, and we think you’ll agree that they’re all awesome! Out of a list of 15 games that included FIFA, The Sims and Minecraft, the winners were Pong, the first mainstream video game from 1972, Pac-Man, likely the most well-known game of all time, Tetris, the 1984 puzzle game, Super Mario Bros., the legendary Nintendo game, Doom, the 1993 beginning of the first person shooter craze and World of Warcraft, the wildly successful MMORPG that spawned an upcoming film. The winners were decided by a committee of journalists, game historians and big industry names.

Did your favorite make the cut?

Classics don’t get better than Pac-Man!Classics don’t get better than Pac-Man!Courtesy of YouTube

New Trailer for Fallout 4

This week Bethesda games officially released the trailer for Fallout 4, the latest in its RPG series. The game will be available for PC, Xbox One and PS4 only, disappointing fans with Xbox 360s and PS3s. The apocalypse has happened and you follow a dog into a room with shots cutting in and out from before and after. The game takes place in Boston and the area we see in the video is called “Scollay Square.” Check out the trailer below and hope you can sleep tonight.

Fallout 4 is coming! Are you ready?Fallout 4 is coming! Are you ready?Courtesy of Bethesda

Fallout 4 Trailer



New Trailer for Star Wars: Uprising

Lucasfilm has released a trailer for Star Wars: Uprising, a new mobile game that takes place between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. The Death Star has been destroyed for the second time and now the Empire is having trouble holding their forces together. Will war tear the universe apart? Check it out below.

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Head into the space between Episodes VI and VII!Head into the space between Episodes VI and VII!Courtesy of Lucasfilm

Star Wars: Uprising Trailer



Have Your Say

Did your favorite make it into the Video Game Hall of Fame? What did you think of the trailers for Star Wars Uprising and Fallout 4? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.