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The Duff Blu-ray Review

Reviewed by on Jun 08, 2015
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Check out Kidzworld’s Blu-ray review of The Duff, a relatable high school comedy. Everyone thinks they are a Designated Ugly Fat Friend to “hotter” pals whether or not they are unattractive.

By: Lynn Barker

Bianca is smart, cute and hangs with two of her school’s nicest and hottest girls. When her childhood friend tells her she is their DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) whom people talk to just to get to her hottie pals, Bianca’s whole life changes.

Bianca in her usual school styleBianca in her usual school styleCourtesy of Lionsgate Home Entertainment

Story Goes

Bianca Piper (Mae Whitman), a smart, cute teen, is lifetime besties with two hot and popular girls Jess (Skyler Samuels) and Casey (Bianca Santos). Her childhood friend Wesley Rush (Robbie Amell) is a hot jock whom she tells she has a crush on cute singer/songwriter Toby (Nick Eversman). Bianca goes to mean girl Madison’s (Bella Thorne) party hoping to talk to him but it’s a disaster.

Besties Bianca (center), Jess and CaseyBesties Bianca (center), Jess and CaseyCourtesy of Lionsgate Home Entertainment

Wes unthinkingly tells Bianca that she is the "DUFF" (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) to Jess and Casey; the less gorgeous pal to more popular people and is used to get close to them. She realizes that he’s right. She stops hanging out with the girls who don’t understand her problem. Deciding to ditch her DUFF-dom, Bianca makes a deal with Wes; she will help him pass chemistry if he helps her pretty-up and become more popular.

Bianca- I'm the what?Bianca- I'm the what?Courtesy of Lionsgate Home Entertainment

Bianca becomes the clown of the internet when one of Madison’s flunkies videos her goofing off trying on new clothes and revealing that she likes Toby. After letting Toby know how she feels about him, he asks her out. She’s on cloud 9 and dolls up for their date. Sadly, she learns that, yet again, he is using her to get close to Casey and Jess! Even Wes, whom she realizes is the boy she really likes, has hooked up again with his ex Madison!

Wes and Bianca plan her make-overWes and Bianca plan her make-overCourtesy of Lionsgate Home Entertainment

Bianca reunites with Jess and Casey and the girls help her believe that she’s pretty hot herself. Feeling better, Bianca, in a new dress they all make, goes to homecoming with her besties and without dates. Will Wes finally “get” what a true prize Bianca is?

Special Features

All the extras on the Blu-ray are short. First The Duff Hits the Red Carpet, features interviews with the cast at the movie’s premiere at L.A.’s Chinese Theater. Everyone is stoked about the film and all look great all dressed up. An Extended Gag Reel isn’t all that “extended”. It’s funny with line flubs, physical comedy goofs, etc. but too short.

  • Bringing the Book to Life – centers on the popular novel upon which the film is based. Self-admitted DUFF herself, author Kody says she based the book on her own high school life. She’s happy with the cast and the way the film turned out and that her message that “everyone feels like the DUFF” got across in the movie. Teen Comedies and The DUFF features filmmakers talking about growing up with classic teen comedies as well as more recent ones like Mean Girls and Easy A. What’s new? Social media. What’s the same? Kids trying to fit in.

The three bestiesThe three bestiesCourtesy of Lionsgate Home Entertainment
  • I Am the DUFF – features the cast and filmmakers talking about how they were high school misfits and felt insecure. The DUFF Files focuses on each lead character as described in detail by the actor who plays them as well as other actors’ take on the characters. Kind of not needed if you’ve seen the movie.

Wrapping Up

The Duff, which we reviewed when it was in theaters, is really well-acted and relatable. It’s probably the best high school comedy since Mean Girls or Easy A and well worth a buy or rent especially to watch with pals. The Blu-ray could use a video diary shot on set by one of the cast or more actual on-set action or interviews but what is there in Extras is very watchable. We go 4 stars.

The Duff Blu-ray Rating: 4

The Duff Blu-ray CoverThe Duff Blu-ray CoverCourtesy of Lionsgate Home Entertainment

The Duff is now available on Blu-ray + DVD!