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Zelda: Wind Waker HD WiiU Bundle + Price Drop!

Sep 02, 2013

Have you been holding out on buying a WiiU until an inevitable price-drop came? Well wait no longer! Nintendo, has revealed recently that they will indeed be slashing the price of the WiiU by $50, making the WiiU Deluxe Bundle a more enticing buy at $299.99 (US). That price point will put Nintendo's console well below the other two major next-gen consoles, Xbox One and Playstation 4, that are thundering their way into stores come November.

Not only is the price being reduced, but Nintendo is packing in a very, very welcomed game for free. Considered to be one of the better Zelda adventures by many (my personal 3rd favorite Zelda game overall), The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker HD! Just in time for it's 10th Anniversary.

Wind Waker originally came out on the Nintendo Gamecube in 2003 to critical praise, allowing you to freely explore an open-sea, peppered with Islands, each with secrets to be discovered. Wind Waker stood out from the pack in more ways than one. Most notably the visuals were a major departure from what any Zelda game had looked like before, becoming the games defining feature. Thanks to the power of the Gamecube, Nintendo was able to produce beautiful cell-shaded graphics for Links latest adventure. In fact the game looked so good for the time that it's still quite nice to look at today. That being said, the HD remake is stunning to behold.

There have been a few other upgrades to Wind Waker HD other than just a new coat of paint. So stay tuned for Kidzworld's Wind Waker review in the near future.

In the meantime, check out the trailer for Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker HD below!

The Wind Waker Bundle doesn't just include a copy of the coveted game, but also has a custom Wind Waker Game-Pad, seen in the picture below.

The Wind Waker Deluxe WiiU Bundle for $299!The Wind Waker Deluxe WiiU Bundle for $299!Courtesy of Nintendo

You'll be able to buy the Nintendo WiiU Wind Waker HD Bundle for $299.99 (US) this September 20th!

Have Your Say!

Will the new WiiU Wind Waker Bundle finally get you to pick up Nintendo's console? Let us know in the comments below!