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Book Review: Dork Diaries #5: Tales from a Not-So-Smart Miss Know-It-All by Rachel Renee Russell

Reviewed by on May 17, 2013
Rating: 3 Star Rating

After Nikki and her friends wreak havoc on MacKenzies house, Nikki joins the school newspaper to ensure her prank remains a secret. Kidzworld has the book review of Dork Diaries #5: Tales from a Not-So-Smart Miss Know-It-All by Rachel Renee Russell.

A Bad Prank

During their New Year's Eve sleepover, Nikki and her BFFs Chloe and Zoey pull a prank on the biggest bully in school. They sneak over to her house at midnight and TP (toilet paper) her yard. Unfortunately, Nikki catches them in the act and accuses them of removing the toilet paper, insisting that it was put there by her secret admirer (and Nikki's crush!) Brandon. At school, MacKenzie tells everyone her false version of the story. But when she doesn't get invited to Brandon's birthday party, she blackmails Nikki for an invitation. She'll tell the principal the true story and Nikki will lose her place at school. After all, she's only there on a scholarship, courtesy of her dad's bug extermination business.

The Advice Columnist

Nikki decides that she needs to keep a close watch on her nemesis, so she joins the school newspaper. As a bonus, this gives her added time with Brandon, who is the photojournalist for the paper. Unfortunately, she nearly loses her place on the paper during the first day when someone (MacKenzie) crosses out her name on the sign up sheet. Luckily, after much persuasion, Nikki lands a secret job as Miss Know-it-all, the paper's advice columnist. Her job starts slow, but quickly grows until she's too busy to reply to all the letters. 

MacKenzie vs. Nikki

But when Brandon's birthday draws near, MacKenzie schedules a meeting with the principal to discuss the toilet paper incident, which will definitely get Nikki kicked out of school. If only there was a way to stop MacKenzie without giving her an invitation!

The Bottom Line

Dork Diaries #5: Tales from a Not-So-Smart Miss Know-It-All by Rachel Renee Russell is over the top. It's filled with explanation points, but perhaps all middle school students talk that way now...?!!! The story is entertaining, and addresses realistic middle school issues, such as bullies, crushes, BFFs, school newspapers and dealing with mistakes. If you're looking for a quality, memorable story, try a different series. However, if you want something quick, simple, girly and fun, Dork Diaries is a good series for you.

Dork Diaries #5: Rating: 3


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