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Dear Dish-it: Awkward Sleepovers

May 10, 2013

Dear Dish-it,

I’m having a new friend over for a sleepover tonight, and I don’t know what we should do. I have computers, but I don’t think that’ll be good enough. What should I plan?


Dear Nervous,

It’s always exciting and nerve-racking to have a new friend sleepover for the first time. But there are tons of things you can do. However, I suggest that you start by getting to know this friend a little better. Talk to them and find out what kind of things they do for fun at home or with their other friends.

Outdoor Activities

If the weather is nice and warm, you could have a camp out. Prepare snacks for the tent, set it up in your backyard, and tell scary stories like you would on a real camping trip. If you have a firepit in your backyard, get your parents help to light it and roast marshmallows or make smores! If it’s still light out when your sleepover begins, suggest some outdoor sports, like frizbee, badminton, basketball or any other sport you can play with two people.

Indoor Activities

If you’re stuck indoors, no worries. You could pop some popcorn and have a movie night, or better yet, a movie marathon. You could make dare dice out of a small square box or six pieces of square cardboard taped together to make a cube. On each side you write things like “dance” or “sing” or “act” and the other person has to pick a theme or topic. You could also play cards, board games or video games. Or, if you have a camera phone, film yourselves putting on a fashion show, or having an arm wrestling competition. The ideas are endless!

Have Your Say

Do you have any ideas for Nervous? Tell us in our comment section below!