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Top 10 Best Movie Moms

May 07, 2013

Sometimes it takes a movie to remind just how great moms can be, from superheroes to homemakers, moms are great on film! Check out the Top 10 Best Movie Moms!

No.10: Rosemary Penderghast from Easy A

Easily the coolest mom to make it onscreen in any teen movie, Rosemary doesn't bat an eye when her daughter confesses to lying to the school about who she's been kissing to get more notoriety (and help some nerds), she just makes her daughter feel good about herself and helps her make a plan to come clean and still come out on top.

Emma Stone and Patricia Clarkson as mother and daughterEmma Stone and Patricia Clarkson as mother and daughterCourtesy of Screen Gems

No.9: Mrs. Parker from A Christmas Story

Poor Mrs. Parker is at her wits' end trying to get her family to keep it together through one of the toughest seasons of the year, but she somehow manages it.

Mrs. Parker in A Christmas StoryMrs. Parker in A Christmas StoryCourtesy of Metro Goldwyn Mayer

No.8: Sarah Connor from Terminator 2

When it comes to moms who kick butt in the movies, Sarah Connor has to be at the top of the list, she'll do anything to protect her son.

Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor in Terminator 2Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor in Terminator 2Courtesy of TriStar Pictures

No.7: Miranda Hillard in Mrs. Doubtfire (Sally Field)

Even though this film is all about a dad finding a creative way to get back in his kids' lives, their mom is in control and on top of things from the start.

Sally Field in Mrs. DoubtfireSally Field in Mrs. DoubtfireCourtesy of 20th Century Fox

No.6: Mrs. Jumbo (Dumbo)

Even though it lands her in slammer, Mrs. Jumbo won't stand anyone making fun of her baby Dumbo's  giant ears.

Mrs. Jumbo loves her big-eared babyMrs. Jumbo loves her big-eared babyCourtesy of Disney

No.5:  Sheryl Hoover from Little Miss Sunshine (Toni Collette)

The Hoover family has its ups and downs, and Little Miss Sunshine is all about how family can deal with each other's eccentricities, helping each other even when they're fighting.

Sheryl Hoover and her family in Little Miss SunshineSheryl Hoover and her family in Little Miss SunshineCourtesy of Fox Searchlight Pictures

No.4: Erin Brockovitch (Julia Roberts)

Talk about a mom who can handle anything, hustling her way into a job at a law office and eventually helping a whole community fight an evil corporation, Erin Brockovitch pulled it all off while still raising her young kids using moxy, charm and most of all her smarts.

Julia Robers played real life mom and hero Erin BrockovichJulia Robers played real life mom and hero Erin BrockovichCourtesy of Universal Pictures

No.3: Elastigirl from the Incredibles (Holly Hunter)

When you realize how much your mom does for you, it's easy to start thinking of her as a superhero, and in The Incredibles the Mom, Elastigirl, IS a superhero.

Elastigirl is a superhero and a momElastigirl is a superhero and a momCourtesy of Pixar

No.2: Molly Weasley from Harry Potter (Julie Walters)

Molly Weasley is super mom, she knows all the tricks (magic or otherwise) that her kids are up to, and she loves them all equally, and that includes kids who aren't technically part of the Weasley clan - like Harry.

Molly Weasley in Harry PotterMolly Weasley in Harry PotterCourtesy of Warner Brothers

No.1: Tess Coleman from Freaky Friday (Jamie Lee Curtis)

You know your mom is cool and can handle anything when you end up switching bodies for a day and she doesn't completely ruin your life (in fact she kind of gets the hang of it...)! 

Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis in Freaky FridayLindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis in Freaky FridayCourtesy of Disney

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