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Top 10 April Fools' Jokes

Mar 12, 2021

April Fools' Day is almost here, meaning you’ll have to get crafty and sneaky if you want to surprise your friends and family with some unforgettable pranks. Check out the Top 10 April Fools' Jokes!

April 1st is almost here, how will you trick people?April 1st is almost here, how will you trick people?

10. Tattoo Trouble

Find the most real looking tattoo you can and (very gently) apply to someone’s arm in their sleep. They might even get all the way to school or work before noticing!

Stick a tattoo on an unsuspecting personStick a tattoo on an unsuspecting person

9. Lacing up

Take a pair of shoes and switch out their regular laces with crazy mismatched laces – this works best on dress shoes and sneakers.

8. Cell Phone Switcheroo

When they aren’t looking, change the default language on your friends’ phone, they won’t know what happened!

7. Sour Milk

Add blue or green food coloring to the milk in your fridge, so when someone tries to fill up their cereal bowl they’ll think the milk has gone WAY off!

6. Sugar and Spice

Replace salt with sugar or sugar with salt, guaranteed to bring a surprised look to anyone’s face when they tuck into their food or sip their coffee.

5. Full of Hot Air

If you can find a way in, fill a car full of balloons before the person can get to it in the morning. They won’t believe their eyes.

Talk about air travel! Fill a car with balloons.Talk about air travel! Fill a car with balloons.

4. Crank it!

Turn the volume to the absolute max on someone’s stereo or laptop before they turn it on!

3. Bug Out

Buy plastic bugs and place them in ice cubes, drawers, beds, pockets – anywhere they might freak someone out!

2. Waterfall

Balance a cup of water on a partially open door, then wait for the splash when someone opens it!

1. Vaseline on the Doorknob

Probably the oldest trick in the book, Vaseline on doorknobs continues to be an April Fools' classic.

Vaseline on the doorknob with leave them with slippery handsVaseline on the doorknob with leave them with slippery hands

Just remember to be safe and not try any jokes that might truly hurt someone, April Fools' is supposed to be goofy - not gruesome!

Have Your Say

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