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How to Prepare for April Fools' Day

Mar 12, 2021

Shhhhh! You know you're planning some April Fools' Day pranks, it's important to keep things Top Secret. Don't leave any signs that your getting ready to prank your teacher at school, don't tell anyone that you're going to prank your little brother at home. Let's figure out how to prepare for everyone's favorite holiday - April Fools' Day!

How to Prepare for April Fools DayHow to Prepare for April Fools DayCourtesy of nierocks.areavoices.com

Eliminate the Evidence

The first thing you should know is this Kidzworld article right here is a giveaway. Anyone that knows you are reading this article will be suspicious of you before April Fools' and it could backfire on you. The last thing you want is someone to know you're planning a prank because they could turn it around and make you look like the fool. Make sure that you delete all your computer history after reading this article and keep your future victims away from Kidzworld so they don't know anything is coming April 1st.

KW Article EvidenceKW Article Evidence

Testing 1, 2, 3 Test

Make sure to test your prank before you pull it. You want to optimize the results of your prank so the maximum humiliation is achieved. It's always possible that you can throw a water balloon that doesn't explode. Don't just make sure your balloon explodes, but know exactly how much explosion you can achieve without anyone getting hurt or anything important getting damaged.

Target Teamwork

You might want to get some of your BFFs involved on the prank. A team of people can sometimes work wonders for a good prank, however be careful who you select... sometimes it can backfire. Make sure the people you recruit for your prank can keep a secret, or they might give away your prank and then you have to wait another full year to pull your great prank.

April Fools PlanTeamwork HuddleCourtesy of www.hackcollege.com

Strike Early

April Fools' is something that people will catch onto more and more as the day goes by. Your parents will probably hear about it early watching the morning news, so you'll have to prank them before or during breakfast. Your friends will definitely figure it out at school, so you have to get them before 1st class. And be very weary of teachers before noon, as they usually have something planned for the jokers of the class.

Respect Retaliation

If you prank your BFF with a shaving cream pie in the face, you can expect some retaliation immediately. Always plan a good getaway so your friend is left alone to clean up their mess without being able to spread it back onto you. Once the dust has settled, you'll be free to laugh it up for the rest of the day while your friend plans revenge with something else. Chances are they will be unprepared for anything as funny.

Shaving Cream PieShaving Cream PieCourtesy of www.mysanantonio.com
Have Your Say

What is your favorite prank to do on April Fools' Day? Leave a comment to let us know!