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The Vampire Diaries: Season 4, Episode 11 :: Catch Me If You Can

Jan 25, 2013

This week on The Vampire Diaries, the hunt is on for the cure. See what you missed on Kidzworld’s recap of “Catch Me If You Can“, which aired January 24th, 2013. It is officially a race to find the cure, and the teams are very clear. Damon & Klaus, Shane & Bonnie and Rebekah & Stefan are all determined to reach the cure first and claim it for their own purpose.

Extreme Hunter

Last week, Klaus revealed his plan to make Jeremy kill as many vampires as possible so he can uncover the hunter tattoo that will lead them to the cure. He turned a bunch of humans and has now compelled them to attack Matt, knowing Jeremy will be forced to step in and protect his friend. Elena is not happy about Damon’s involvement, but Damon says it is the quickest way to get her the cure.

Kol finds Damon and Jeremy and warns them about waking Silas. Allegedly, when they wake Silas it will trigger the end of time. He threatens to rip off Jeremy’s arms if he doesn’t stop the hunt. But, Kol doesn’t want to kill Jeremy since that would give him the hunter’s curse. Kol compels Damon to find Jeremy and kill him. Damon realizes what happened and tells Jeremy to run for his life. Damon chases Jeremy into the woods but Stefan steps in and snaps Damon’s neck. He locks him up in their house and makes him weak. Stefan plans on keeping Damon locked up until Elena has the cure.

New Love

Rebekah and Stefan have joined forces, and we learn more about their relationship in the past. They break into Shane’s office to find a key he has to Silas’s tomb. While they are there, someone else breaks in and tries to steal the key too! Rebekah attacks him and asks who is he. Before Rebekah can torture him the guy bites off his own tongue. Back at the house, Rebekah and Stefan decide to hook up – they think it will be fun as long as feelings don’t get involved.

Dark Magic

Bonnie is worried about the recent magic she has been involved in, but Shane tells her she is doing the right thing. The Mayor takes Shane into the station to question him about the mass killing involving April’s dad. Shane confides in Bonnie that it was a ritual that needed to happen to raise Silas. He tells her that if they are able to raise Silas she will be able t see her grandmother again.

Have Your Say

What do you think about the Stefan/Rebekah relationship? Do you think Elena will be mad?