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The Vampire Diaries: Season 4, Episode 4 :: The Five

Nov 01, 2012

This week on The Vampire Diaries, we learn more about the Brotherhood of the Five. Find out what you missed in Kidzworld’s recap of “The Five”, which aired November 1, 2012.

The Mark

Damon gets a call from Sheriff Forbes – turns out, there were no remains in the explosion. He realizes that Klaus took Connor because he claims to be from the Brotherhood of the Five. Apparently Klaus and Rebekah have a history with the Five. In the past, they were friendly with the group of vampire hunters (since they were looking for creatures of the night and Klaus and Rebekah had their day rings on). Rebekah even fell in love with Alexander, one of the hunters.

Alexander told Klaus that they had the ultimate weapon to destroy vampires. But, in order to locate the weapon, they needed to solve a puzzle. The puzzle is the magic tattoos that appear on Connor’s body. But, the only one who can see the tattoo is Jeremy. Connor’s tattoo isn’t complete. Every time he kills a vampire, the puzzle continues to grow.

Deal with the Devil

Back in the day, Alexander told Rebekah that there was a cure for being a vampire. If Elena gets the cure, she will return to being a doppelganger and Klaus will be able to use her blood again to create hybrids. But, in order to read the puzzle and find the cure Klaus needs the sword, which is the key to the map. He enlists Stefan’s help, saying that this could help save Elena’s life.


After discovering that Elena can only feed on human blood from the vein, Damon decides to help her learn how to hunt. They accompany Bonnie on a road trip to Whitmore College, where her grandmother used to teach. The professor who has taken her place is named Shane, and he invited Bonnie to attend one of his classes. The gang goes to a Halloween party on campus where Elena can feed on humans, but things get a bit out of control. Elena realizes that she may be getting a bit too close to Damon. At the end of the episode, Connor escapes and shows up at Shane’s office, asking why he sent Connor to Mystic Falls. What could the two of them be up to?

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