By: Lynn Barker
Handsome Brit actor Sam Claflin was the missionary in love with a mermaid in Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides. The actor was in a ton of British TV and was once also headed for a career as a pro Brit footballer before an injury. Starting June 1st you can catch fun and hot Sam as Prince William Charmant in Snow White and the Huntsman opposite Kristen Stewart’s Snow White.
We got up impossibly early in the morning to talk to Sam who was in England where it was eight hours later but it was worth it. He remembered us from a set visit to the movie last year. We’re getting more fun info on the film and this up and coming hottie who is engaged to beautiful English actress Laura Haddock…. Darn!
Kidzworld: Hey Sam, your birthday is in June. Any plans?
- Sam: Not yet unfortunately. Last year I had a very nice birthday party that my fiancé threw for me. Hopefully she’s got something else up her sleeve.
Kidzworld: Give the guys some tips. What do you do to be a Prince Charming for her?
- Sam: I buy her bows and arrows and charge down the streets of London on horseback. No! Nothing as gallant as Prince William would do. In the time we live in, it’s very difficult to impress anyone now with everything at your fingertips. But, she does like a nice cup of tea in the morning so I get up and make a cup of tea for her.
Kidzworld; Awwww, that’s romantic. Have you kept in touch with Kristen or Chris Hemsworth since making the film?
- Sam: Kristen and I definitely have some things in common (both were fans of singer Marcus Foster). I’m not their (Kristen and Rob’s) Facebook friend. Me and Chris have stayed in touch somewhat because I was so interested in going to see The Avengers. We exchanged e-mails and I managed to get to the premiere (in London) and bumped into him then and talked with him. But, I let Kristin and Rob keep to themselves.
Kidzworld: Are you a fan of any new music artists lately?
- Sam: A fair few. Some smaller artists Ben Howard, Bon Iver. Love him. The list is endless. I love my music.
Kidzworld: William is supposed to be a marksman with a bow and arrow. Since The Hunger Games, there is a huge interest in archery. Did you have to train on that?
Sam: I had no idea how to do that. I’m probably the worst marksman in the world. It took a lot of training and a lot of patience but we got there in the end. The only time I’d ever done archery before this film was when I was a Cub Scout way back in the day. I’d do it at camp. I suppose, other than running around the school playground pretending I’m Robin Hood, that was it. But it’s a trick I’ll be able to take away with me.
The prince in a quiet moment
Kidzworld: We know more now about your character William. His dad is more of a statesman/diplomat type and William is a “Are you kidding? We have to learn to kick butt and then do it to get the kingdom back” guy. Are you personally more of the negotiating type in a rough situation or more the, jump in and kick butt type?
- Sam: I have to say that I tend to play it safe. I’m not the riskiest of risk-takers. I like being surprised sometimes though and you have to take a risk to be surprised. Playing it safe can get boring.
Kidzworld: Does the prince join Show White’s fight to take her kingdom back? They were childhood friends then he thinks she’s dead?
- Sam: Yes. Once he has news that she’s alive, well and free from the castle grounds, he does everything in his power to get to her. That’s his main goal, to keep her safe. Obviously she’s on her quest to take back the kingdom (from evil Queen Ravenna). So, he joins her fight. She’s the driving force of this film.
It was amazing playing second fiddle to a woman. It’s great to have female central characters. It was great fun and there are great stories to be told.
Kidzworld: We know that girls will get into the film. Snow White is a strong woman like Katniss Everdeen but will older kids and teen guys especially get into this film? Why is this NOT just a chick flick?
Sam: It’s got a bit of everything for everyone. It has the amount of action that will keep all the men happy and a bit of romance and humor that will keep everyone and especially women happy. It has drama and comedy. It’s a film for all ages. It’s a darker re-telling of the classic tale we know and love.
Sam with Fiance Laura
Kidzworld: Did you personally do any CG work with creatures that weren’t there on set and if so, how weird was that for you?
- Sam: There was a moment where I had to swing a sword at an imaginary bird where me and Chris were being attacked by a flock of birds but that was the only time I had to really use my imagination because the sets and costumes were so incredible and real that there was almost no acting involved. You could touch and feel everything.
Kidzworld: Toughest day on set? Most enjoyable day on set? Funniest day on set?
- Sam: I’d have to say the most difficult day I’ve ever done in my life was a whole day of horse riding because I find it such a challenge to horse ride. It’s not one of my natural traits. I think pretty much any time they put a horse between my legs I panicked.
The most enjoyable day was probably the same as the funniest day. There was lots of fighting involved. Me and Chris were on horseback and I was armored up to the nines top to toe. The director decided he wanted me and Chris to ride into the castle grounds preparing for battle and dismount the horse while it was still moving. “Fine, fine. I’ll give it a try”. We did one rehearsal at walking pace and that was fine. I looked glamorous and Hollywood-like (he laughs). Then he decided to pick up the pace a bit.
- I charged into the castle grounds and tried to launch my leg over the horse’s head and my foot got caught in the stirrup while we were still running and I’m dragged along sort of hopping. I free my foot but land on my back flailing my arms and legs like a turtle. I could not move. The director’s yelling “Carry on! Sam get up!” “I’m trying!” Chris dismounted his horse so beautifully and he was already in place and trying to help me to my feet. He was slipping over and they had to cut the scene.
Kidzworld: That would be really funny on the DVD.
- Sam: I’m sure it’ll be on there somewhere.
Kidzworld: What did you like best about being in armor and least?
- Sam: The coolest thing was it looked quite cool. The worst was it was so restricting. It was very hot. It took too long to go to the toilet so I’d have to hold it.
Kidzworld: Not fun! Did you experience any funny anachronistic moments while shooting.. like you are in armor and somebody whips out their i-pod?
- Sam: I think we were so in character and living as the prince, princess or the huntsman that we didn’t do it but I’m sure there was someone with a Coke can dressed like a knight.
Kidzworld: What was having “Prince William” on your trailer door like? How many jokes did that engender?
- Sam: Yes, since the Royal wedding was only a year ago I was expecting a few jokes like “How’s Kate?” But it was pretty tame, actually.
Kidzworld: You are about to shoot another film. When do you start shooting The Quiet Ones?
- Sam: I start that in June. It’s a Hammer horror film by the guys that brought The Woman in Black and Let Me In to life. I’m excited about getting involved in something that’s not swords and horses for a while. I’m trying to challenge myself and say that I’ve done a comedy, a romantic film and everything by this time next year. (Note: the film is about a student who takes part in a dangerous experiment to create a poltergeist (evil ghost) out of negative human energy. Good Luck Sam!)
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