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Book Review: Crossed by Ally Condie

Jul 10, 2018

Book 2 in Ally Condie’s bestselling dystopian trilogy, Matched, is here! Kidzworld reviews Crossed by Ally Condie.

Pursuing Love

After being separated from her beloved Ky, Cassia poses as an Aberration in the hopes of tracking him down in the Outer Provinces. But with a war going on, things are not safe, and most boys - like Ky - who are issued to pose as farmers die before their six-month work detail is over.

Escaping Certain Death

Ky and his two new friends, Vick and Eli, escape during a raid and head for the Carving - a massive canyon where the Anomalies are rumoured to live. Meanwhile, Cassia arrives in Ky’s former camp and begins pursuing him into the Carving.

A Bittersweet Reunion

When they finally reunite, their love for each other is stronger than ever, but something stands between them: more than anything, Cassia wants to join the Rising, a group planning to overthrow the Society. But Ky’s parents died because of the Rising, and he wants nothing to do with them. Will they sacrifice their love to live the way they want, or will they sacrifice their lives to be together?

The Bottom Line

It’s difficult to compare Crossed with Matched, book one in the series. Matched offered clearer visuals, a creative dystopian society and a lot of tension due to the forbidden nature of Ky and Cassia’s relationship. However, Crossed seemed to miss the mark. The entire book was spent in the Outer Provinces, which was not only visually dry, but offered little action and excitement. Hopefully, this book was meant to be a transition from book one to three, and Condie will deliver a climactic finish worth talking about. 

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