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Forbidden Sea Book Review

Reviewed by on May 12, 2010
Rating: 5 Star Rating

When mermaids become more than just a legend, Adrianne must make the ultimate life-changing decision. Read Kidzworlds book review and summary for Forbidden Sea by Sheila A. Nielson.

Title: Forbidden Sea
Author: Sheila A. Nielson
Ages: 10+
Rating: 5

Adrianne isn’t the kind of girl that boys fall in love with. If she gets any attention at all from the boys on the island of Windwaithe, it’s teasing and bullying. Except from Denn, her childhood friend. Though he sticks up for Adrianne, he’s still like the other boys, drooling over Cora Lynn, the most beautiful girl in Windwaithe. Fortunately, boys are the least of Adrianne’s problems.

Hard Times

Now that her father’s dead, she’s the sole provider for her family. She still blames herself for his death. And so does her bitter, malicious Auntie Minnah, who constantly tries to make Adrianne feel worthless. To top it all off, her younger sister Cecily is being hunted by the Windwaithe mermaid.

The Legend of the Windwaithe Mermaid

According to legend, the Windwaithe mermaid stole a woman named Lady Lauretta. She brought her below the sea to marry the sea prince. Of course, everyone knows that mermaids aren’t real. The legend is just a fancy way of saying she drowned. Or so Adrianne believed. But now she’s seen the mermaid’s pale green skin, heard her beautiful song, and felt her impossibly tight grasp which left [kwlink 23625]vile scars on her wrist. The Windwaithe mermaid is no legend. She’s real. Somehow, Adrianne has to stop the mermaid from killing her little sister. But how?

The Bottom Line

Mermaid novels tend to be cheesy and typical. But not Forbidden Sea. Sheila A. Nielson used her love of The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen to create a unique tale of mermaids, one that will change your perspective on these fascinating and beautiful creatures of the sea. From detailed characters to an out-of-this-world setting, this story is absolutely wonderful! Tell us what you think of Forbidden Sea in our comments section below.

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