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Kirby's Return to Dreamland: Wii Game Review

Reviewed by on Oct 28, 2011
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Kirbys Return to Dreamland is a return to Kirbys traditional side-scrolling action gameplay. Is it still fun? Read our game review and see!

Kirby's Epic Yarn and Kirby Mass Attack was certainly fun, but one can't help but miss the good old fashion Kirby game where you can inhale enemies and steal their abilities to use against other enemies. Kirby's Return to Dreamland brings back the traditional Kirby gameplay while still mixing in some new stuff, such as co-op.

Kirby's Return to Kirby

It has been over ten years since we last say a traditional Kirby game on a home console! Some of you may not even realize that Kirby can fly, inhale enemies, and shoot them back out as an attack or absorb them to copy their abilities. Aside from the normal abilities, Kirby can acquire super abilities from certain enemies. These limited use abilities will often clear the entire screen of enemies and deal massive damage to bosses.

Kirby's Return to Dreamland puts you in the shoes of Kirby, who is on a quest to find spaceship pieces. Your friends can drop-in and drop-out anytime during the adventure and play as either King Dedede, Waddle Dee, or Meta Knight. While only Kirby can copy abilities, the other characters are useful and powerful in their own way. You can even inhale your friends and shoot them out to attack enemies!

Dreamland's Star Quality

Overall, Kirby's Return to Dreamland is a pretty easy game. However, there are various optional challenges, such as collecting all the Energy Spheres, which will unlock mini-games and challenge areas. Those seeking an extra challenge will have to beat the game for Extra Game mode, which gives you less health to start, making the game much harder. In the end, the game is still fun and is great for the new generation of Kirby fans who haven't seen a traditional Kirby game yet.

Have Your Say!

So, have you been missing the good ol' traditional Kirby game? Does Return to Dreamland look like a Dream? Have your say in the comments below!


Price: $49.99

ESRB Rating: E 10+

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