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Heather Braverman Q&A

Dec 21, 2018

Teen singer and actress Heather Braverman is set to make a big splash in the new year as one of the stars of the book turned movie Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life. Heather has been acting on stage and on film since the age of 5. Find out more in her Kidzworld Q&A!

Heather BravermanHeather and co-star Ryan Glassman in Jeremy Fink.

KW:  What was your first performing experience?

  • Heather: Starting at around age four, I did a lot of singing recitals where I’d dress up in sparkly outfits and sing one or two musical theater songs. The first song I sang on stage in front of a hundred people “Do A Deer” from the Sound of Music. My father thought I’d be terrified, but I was really excited. My first real show was called the People Garden. It was about a kindergarten class, me being one of the students. The show traveled schools in the tri-state area to prevent bullying. I still remember a lot of the songs!

KW:   How did you get the role of Samantha in Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life?

  • Heather: At my performing arts summer camp, I was “Laurey” in a production of Oklahoma. One of the producers saw my performance and asked me to come in to audition for the part. I’m so happy that I had the opportunity to be Samantha!

KW:  Do you think you are similar to Samantha?

  • Heather: Samantha and I definitely have a lot in common. Most importantly, we both love fashion. I’m always wearing big super colorful earrings, just like Samantha. Being in the movie is actually what got me to start wearing cool jewelry. Also like Samantha, I love making new friends!

KW:  Had you read the book before you auditioned for the role?

  • Heather: I did read the book. I finished in 2 days – I loved the story, and my 12-year-old cousin Amanda also really enjoyed the book. She thought it was so cool seeing me play Samantha in the movie as well.

KW:  You’ve had parts in lots of TV shows and commercials, what is your most memorable on-set moment?

  • Heather: This past December, I worked on an AT&T commercial for U-verse. I played a daughter sitting at the dinner table with my on-screen family that included my “younger brother” reading my diary! The director asked me to draw in the diary and I wrote all about my recent crush, so it really looked like my diary on-screen! We had a lot of fun and couldn’t stop laughing the entire day.

KW:  What is some of the best advice you’ve received since starting your career as an entertainer?

  • Heather: The best advice I’ve received is, “Be true to yourself.” I have a unique style and personality, and that is something that I never want to let go of. I always remember that I’m pursuing acting and singing because I love it, and not because of anyone else. It’s what I love to do!

KW:  You are also a singer, what made you realize you love to sing?

  • Heather: Whenever my sister and I are in the car, we always sing along to the radio. Even when I’m doing my homework, I’m humming my favorite song. I can’t really stop! This summer, I stood in the subway in New York City and sang with my ukulele. It was awesome.

KW:  What are some of your hobbies?

  • Heather: I love reading. I read at least a book a week, and I think I’ve checked out almost every book in my school’s fiction section! I also write a lot – especially writing songs. I love pouring my heart out with words. It’s so soothing.

KW:  You are a spokesperson for the Food Allergy Initiative, can you tell us a little bit about the organization?

  • Heather: My sister and I have had food allergies our entire lives to peanuts and shellfish. It is really scary, but we’re always careful. The Food Allergy Initiative is working to find a cure for food allergies, especially for kids. It’s a really great organization and I’m so grateful to be involved with it.

KW:  Halloween is just around the corner, are planning on dressing up this year, and if so, as who?

  • Heather: Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. It’s hard to decide what I like better – the costumes or the candy! My friends and I are still making plans but we’re thinking about dressing up as cheerleaders. I still have my uniform from when I was on the team!

Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of LifeJeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life will be out in early 2012!

Your Fave...

  • Movie: Grease
  • Song: Be Ok by Ingrid Michaelson
  • School: Subject: English
  • Book: The Hunger Games series!

Have Your Say!

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