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PAX Prime 2011: Convention Report

Aug 31, 2011

Once again, the Penny Arcade Expo has been an amazing event, easily beating other shows in size and attendance. Here are just a few of the games that Kidzworld got to check out during this three-day event.

Heroes of the Past

SEGA had the latest Sonic game, Sonic Generations available for preview on console and 3DS. Sonic Generations celebrates the best of Sonic from all past games and looks and plays incredibly well, making it a sure hit for fans old and new. We also got the chance to play the next LEGO Harry Potter, the sequel to the first game that covered years 1-4. It looks to be a great follow up to an already great game.

Nintendo showcased two new Kirby games, Return to Dream Land for the Wii and Mass Attack for the DS. While Return to Dream Land follows the classic Kirby gameplay style, Mass Attack has you commanding up to ten Kirbys to attack and make their way through the level. This new feature is super fun! Nintendo also brought the upcoming Zelda game, Skyward Sword. While the game boasts precise motion control using the Wii Motion Plus, we still ended up waggling randomly. Still, it's classic Zelda and it's certain to impress.

Future Prospects

Square Enix was back again and brought the turn based tactical game Wakfu once more, this time showing off a brand new panda warrior class that can summon a barrel that helps it in battle. Square Enix also showcased Heroes of Ruins, a 3DS dungeon crawl game that supports drop-in/drop-out co-op from other 3DS in your area, which means you can easily play with others while on the go! Finally, Wizards of the Coast showed off the upcoming expansion to their Magic: The Gathering Duel of the Planeswalker downloadable game, which is a great game for people who wants to learn the basics of the Magic trading card game.

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