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Glee: The 3D Concert Movie Review

Reviewed by on Aug 12, 2011
Rating: 4 Star Rating

The Glee concert tours hit the big screen on August 12, 2011, in this touching documentary. Kidzworld reviews Glee: The 3D Concert Movie.

Glee Inspires

For students across the nation, Glee is more than just a TV show. For some, it offers inspiration to follow their dreams, for others it evokes courage to be proud of the person they are. The three high school students featured in this film describe their struggles - from homosexuality to Asperger’s Syndrome to dwarfism - which Glee’s inspirational message has helped them overcome.

About The Film

This film has three components: interviews with real Gleeks, behind the scenes footage of the stars, and the concert performances. The cast of Glee sing many of the hit songs from the show, including Journey’s Don’t Stop Believing, Lady Gaga’s Born This Way, and Glee's original song Loser Like Me. Even Gwyneth Paltrow showed up for a cameo, singing Cee Lo Green’s Forget You.

The Bottom Line

Glee: The 3D Concert Movie will give you chills, from the powerful songs to the heartwarming interviews. If you love 3D movies, definitely check this out in theatres. If not, this film will be just as amazing on DVD.



Glee: The 3D Concert Movie Rating: 4

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