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Dear Dish-It, He Calls Me Creepy

Dec 27, 2006

Dear Dish-It, is here to whisper "ttyl when I've thought about this some more".

Dear Dish-It,

I love this guy so much. I loved him from the first day I saw him. I can never get him out of my head! Whenever I see him, my heart melts and my soul feels warm and I sigh everytime. He knows I like him but my friend messed us up by asking if he would go out with me - and I'd only talked to him 5 times! I never liked someone this much in my life but whenever he sees me now he says "Creepy." I don't think he thinks I'm creepy cuz I asked him if he thought I was scary, before my friend messed us up, and he said no. What do I do? He ignores me now but I love him SOOOO much! I cried cuz of how much I like him.
sheena rules the world

Dear sheena rules the world,

Well, maybe you don't scare him but, girlfriend - ya scare me! You've only talked to this guy five times, how in the world do you like him that much? I don't think that your friend messed you guys up - was there even a "you guys" to mess up? Face it, your intense crushin' made this guy get snakey. You need to take a deep breath and get a grip on your emotions. This guy could be a great guy, and you probably have every reason to dig him, but you need to back off. Sounds like your coming on too strong and scaring him to death. Find something else to occupy your time - like a hobby (soccer, cheerleading, video games, knitting) it doesn't matter what - just something other than this boy. Maybe one day he'll come around, but not if you keep spazzin'.

Dear Dish-It,

This guy asked me out at school and I said maybe. He keeps following me around and I don't know how to say no because he cries when people let him down. Please help!

Dear 13teen,

This is a tough one. It's not easy crushin' someone's crush. You just gotta be honest and tell him you don't like him "that way." Be sure and let him know you think he's cool, nice, and any other positives you can say about him - so he doesn't feel totally slammed. But be firm too - saying "maybe" was only gonna get his hopes up. If he cries, tell him you're sorry you hurt him and leave it alone. You can't control this guy's emotions and as long as you weren't cruel or mean, you should feel okay.

Dear Dish-It,

I have a boyfriend but he is too shy and he won't talk to me. I asked him out but he said he has to ask his parents first and he hasn't done it. What should I do?

Dear fireangelkiss18,

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you just gotta wave the white flag on this one. Give up. Your boy isn't ready - or isn't allowed - to have a GF. It's one of those two reasons that is keeping him from goin' out with ya. Just stay friends and maybe when he's ready - or not scared to ask his parents - you two can date again.

So, ya gotta burnin' question? Need some love directions? Thinkin' 'bout stuff like depression, sex,how ya feel 'bout YOURSELF (that's called "self-esteem"), boyfriends, girlfriends, losin' old friends, bullyin' or peer pressure, but too scared to ask the parents? Don't be scared to .

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