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Interview with a Pokémon Expert!

Mar 09, 2011

Interview with a Pokémon Expert!

Pokémon Expert Seth McMahill took some time out of his busy schedule for an interview with Kidzworld so you, the readers, can learn about the exciting new features of Pokémon Black and White!

A Whole New World

In the region of Unovawhere Pokémon Black and Pokémon White takes place, players will meet over 156 new species of Pokémon - the most in any Pokémon games! Also, unlike previous versions, the Pokémon in Black and White are not related to any previous generations of Pokémon, making them all brand new!

Brand New Features!

Seth also told us all about the exciting new features such as the Triple Battle, Rotation Battle, C-Gear, Dream World, and Pokémon Global Link. These features spice up the game making both battling and collecting much more interesting.

Amazing Graphics!

Perhaps one of the most noticeable changes in Pokémon Black/White is the amount of details paid to the graphics. The graphics evolved a lot between HeartGold/SoulSilver and Black/White. With 3-D animations and enhanced visual experiences throughout the player's journey in Unova, Pokémon Black/White will definitely open your eyes!

Victini arrives!

Did you get a copy of the game yet? If so, make sure to use Nintendo Wi-Fi and download a Liberty Ticket – an item that will allow you to travel to the island where a level 15 Victini is waiting for you! Victini is special because it occupies the number 000 in the pokedex, and is the first ever Pokémon to be both Fire and Psychic! So don’t wait too long because the Wi-Fi download event is only here until the beginning of April!

Take a look at the complete interview here: