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What's happening in the World of Pokemon?

Feb 28, 2011

Celebi Arrives!

From now until March 6, bring your Pokemon HeartGold, SoulSilver, Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum to your local Game Stop and download the special Legendary Pokemon - Celebi! This Celebi is special because it knows the move Nasty Plot, which helps to increase Celebi's special attack, a move that cannot be taught through normal training. But that's not all! If you transfer this Celebi to your Pokemon Black or Pokemon White, you will unlock Zoura, a fox Pokemon that cannot be found in any other way!

TCGO - Trading Card Game Online!

Do you love the Pokemon Trading Card Game? Well soon you will be able to play it online as well! The Online version of the Trading Card Game will be available in April, and it's free! This interactive version of the Pokemon TCG lets you play against virtual players in different leagues. Once the Black/White Theme Decks are released in April, you can enter the code included in the deck and unlock those cards in the online game!

Pokemon Black/White Theme Decks and Booster Packs!

The Nintendo DS game Pokemon Black/White will be released on March 6, taking you into the region of Unova where brand new Pokemon are found! Since new Pokemon will be introduced, the TCG will be updating the cards by releasing new Black/White Theme Decks in April!

Keep checking back for Pokemon updates and also tips and guides on the Pokemon Black/White DS Game!

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