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Pink Shirt Day 2011: Bullying Stops Here!

Feb 11, 2011

Pink Shirt Day is all about stopping bullying, which is a major problem in schools, homes and even over the Internet. On the last Wednesday of February wear something pink to take a stand against bullying everywhere … and read this story to find out more about Pink Shirt Day!

Pink Shirt Day 2011Pink Shirt Day 2011Courtesy of CKNW

Taking a Stand in Nova Scotia

In Nova Scotia, Canada, David Shepherd, Travis Price and their friends organized a high-school protest to wear pink to support a Grade 9 kid at their school who was being bullied. Even though pink isn’t the most popular color for guys, David and Travis convinced all the boys at their school to wear pink tank tops and show their support.

Pink Shirt Day 2011David Shepherd and Travis PriceCourtesy of CKNW

When the boy who was being bullied came to school the next morning and saw all the guys wearing their pink tank tops in order to support him, it took a huge weight off his shoulders. Not only that, the pink shirt idea worked – the bullies were never heard from again

It’s Your Turn

Will you join in by wearing pink on February 23? Do you have a story about being bullied, how you stopped a bully or about how bullying has affected a loved one? You can share your experiences by leaving a comment below this story. If you are a student, print off this web page and ask your parents, teachers and principal to help you get involved!

Video: 2011 Pink Shirt Day PSA


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