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Battle of Giants: Dinosaur Strike :: Wii Game Review

Reviewed by on Dec 02, 2010
Rating: 3 Star Rating

This game is cool, but only because dinosaurs are cool and this game has tons of them. As a fighting game, its not so hot, but is it the end of the world? Read on and find out!

If there is one fact in life, it's that dinosaurs are cool. Battle of Giants: Dinosaur Strike features all your favourites: T. Rex, Stegosaurus, Raptors. There is no concern about time periods here, Jurassic terrors will clash with Triassic monsters.

How to Train Your Dinosaur

Dinosaur Strike is primarily a fighting game. The main mode is Domination, a twelve round tournament where your opponent gets stronger as you go up. You get to pick your dinosaur and customize their colors and such. As you win fights, you can upgrade your dino's attack, speed, and health. Each of these upgrades will change how your dinosaur looks. For example, they will grow spikes if you increase their attack. By the end of the tournament, you will have an awesome looking dinosaur. You'll need it too, as the final fights are very hard.

There is also Versus mode and regular Tournament mode that you can play using your custom dino or any unlocked dinosaur, which can be unlocked by playing through the game or entering special codes. There is also a tag team battle mode.

Use the Unlock Code below to unlock this special dinosaur exclusively at Kidzworld.

Unlock CodeUnlock Code

Chunky Fighters

The actual fighting in Battle of Giants: Dinosaur Strike is actually pretty simple. Use basic attacks and combos to charge up your dino strike special move, which you then activate by waggling the wiimote and nunchuk. You can also prevent your opponent from using their special attack by counter waggling.

Special attacks work in the same way that they do in Naruto fighting games[/kwlink]. You have to copy the motions shown on the screen during the attack. Your performance is ranked out of the three, which determines how much damage you do. Overall, it is pretty simple and the fighting can get boring and repetitive pretty fast. If you like dinosaurs, you will definitely find some fun in this game, but if you are looking for a fighting game, stay away.


Price: $29.99

ESRB Rating: E 10+

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