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Winter Beauty: Dry Skin

Nov 13, 2013

It happens to the best of us no matter how well we take care of our skin - cold winter weather can mean dry skin and chapped lips. The cold and wind contrasted with the extremely warm heat that we have indoors can cause havoc on your skin - on your face, body and your lips. But you don’t have to go through the entire winter season with uncomfortable, dry and itchy skin - there are ways you can both soothe and moisturize your skin so you can face the cold weather feeling comfortable and your skin feeling soft! Also, don’t forget to keep hydrated by drinking a lot of water! Here are Kidzworld’s beauty tips on how to take care of your skin this winter!


Since the skin on your face is more sensitive, it’s important to keep it well moisturized and to be gentle with it. Don’t overscrub it with too many facial scrubs - keep in mind that the smaller the granules, the gentler it is on your skin so look for a cream scrub and only use it twice a week at most. In the winter, switch to a gentler cleanser than the one you use during the warmer months. Try Aveeno Active Naturals Ultra-Calming Moisturizing Cream Cleanser, $5.99 Your skin is producing less oil than it does in the summer so try a creamier, more moisturizing formula and cut down to just washing your face at night before bed if you can. Moisturize your face while it’s still damp and let it sink in with something like Nivea Visage Rich Regenerating Night Care, Dry to Sensitive Skin, $5.99. Try a moisturizing facial mask once a week like Boots Botanics Intensive Moisture Mask, $7.99.

Aveeno Active Naturals Ultra-Calming Moisturizing Cream Cleanser, $5.99Aveeno Active Naturals Ultra-Calming Moisturizing Cream Cleanser, $5.99
Nivea Visage Rich Regenerating Night Care for Dry to Sensitive Skin, $5.99Nivea Visage Rich Regenerating Night Care for Dry to Sensitive Skin, $5.99
Boots Botanics Intensive Moisture Mask, $7.99Boots Botanics Intensive Moisture Mask, $7.99


Unfortunately your lips are much more prone to be chapped in the winter. And the type of chapstick you’re using on your lips could make a big difference between dryness and well-moisturized lips. Don’t exfoliate your lips with the same scrub you use for your face. This will break down the natural barrier your lips need to hold in moisture. If you must exfoliate your lips, just gently use a warm washcloth and then apply a petroleum-based lip balm immediately afterwards like Aquaphor Lip Repair, $4.99. Wax-based lip balms give less protection against dry, chapped lips. If your lips feel especially dry and irritated, switch to a fragrance-free lipgloss as it has less irritating ingredients. Try.....

Aquaphor Lip RepairAquaphor Lip Repair


It’s normal for the skin on your body to feel dry, tight, a bit scaly and irritated in the winter months, especially the skin on your legs. Switch to a moisturizing shower gel or soap like Dove Deep Moisture Body Wash, $8.99. Get into the habit of using body lotion all over your body right after you get out of the shower. Try Jergens Ultra Healing Extra Dry Skin Moisturizer, $7.49.The moisture and heat from the shower helps the lotion sink. Use a body scrub a couple of times a week if skin is feeling particularly dry. Use a thick body butter on your knees and elbows to target particularly hard to moisturize areas.

Dove Deep Moisture Body Wash, $8.99Dove Deep Moisture Body Wash, $8.99
Jergens Ultra Healing Moisturizer for Extra Dry Skin, $7.49Jergens Ultra Healing Moisturizer for Extra Dry Skin, $7.49
Switch to a creamy cleanserSwitch to a creamy cleanser
Put on moisturizer while your skin is still dampPut on moisturizer while your skin is still damp
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