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America's Got Talent Season 5 Episode 12 :: Quarter Finals

Jul 14, 2010

America’s Got Talent season 5 is now in your hands, America. On Tuesday night, the show went live as the first 12 contestants battled for your votes. Out of the 12, only 4 will move onto the next round. Here’s how the show went down:

  • Kung Fu Heroes (martial arts group). The judges said their routine was too choreographed. They should work as a group instead of showing off individual moves.

  • Christina and Ali (sisters with cystic fibrosis). They sang God, Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts. The judges called them inspirational, and much improved since their auditions.

  • Airpocalypse (air band group). This controversial group had the rockstar hair, costumes and even the half-dressed women. The judges admitted they were entertaining. After all, air band is no different than lip synching.

  • The Hot Shot Tap Dancers (family tap dancing group). Piers said they needed more ‘oomph.’ Sharron, however, said they made tap dancing more current.

  • Paul Safy Jr. (singer). The judges said his voice is too classic and cheesy for his age (27). Howie stole Piers’s line and said that Paul also lacked ‘oomph.’

  • Future Funk (kid dancers). The judges loved the 5 and 10 year old duet. Sharron called them amazing.

  • Sally Cohn (hand whistler). She whistled to Hero by Mariah Carey. The judges called her an inspiration and unique. Who knows if America will agree?

  • Nick Pike (danger act). After another act dropped out of the competition, Nick performed in their place. Unfortunately, he blew it. Piers called it ‘a shambles.’

  • RNG (11 year old girl dance group). RNG danced to Disturbia by Rihanna. They have a future in dance, but the judges questioned whether they were talented enough to win the show.

  • Maricar (sexy painter). Maricar painted Piers underwater while holding her breath. Still struck by her beauty, the judges loved it. Maricar can do no wrong!

  • Fighting Gravity (black light human puppet show). They blew the judges away with their unique and creative act. Sounds like Fighting Gravity is in it to win it.

  • Nathaniel Kenyon (singer). His voice was pitchy and shaky thanks to a throat infection and his uncontrollable nerves. But the judges still liked him…probably more for his looks than his talent.
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