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Dear Dish-it: A New Me Next School Year

Jun 13, 2010

Dear Dish-it,

It's summer and school's out but when I go back to start Grade 7 next year I want it to be a MAJOR change from what I was like in Grade 6, especially since I'm going to be starting in a new school. How can I get to be a new me over the break?


Dear BG,

Starting a new school can be exciting and scary at the same time. In the end, yes, it’s a good time to try new things, but you don't need to change who you are to be popular. There are plenty of other ways to stand out and make friends without changing who you truly are!

Start Stylish

It's cool to try out some new colors and trends, but make sure you feel comfortable in them. Don't buy clothes you think "popular girls" would wear - get clothes you really love. A good test is picturing yourself wearing that outfit out the very next day. If you think you might feel weird wearing it, it probably isn't you. If you have a uniform at your new school, get some cute accessories like headbands, earrings, scarves and fun socks to spice up a dull uniform.

Stay Positive

Be positive about the change that is around you. If you're smiling, people will be drawn to you! Try to stay out of gossip as much as you can, and be nice to everyone. Friend groups can change a lot in seventh grade, and the people you'll want to be friends with later on might surprise you.

Meet New Peeps

Use this opportunity to try out all the different groups. Sit with different people at lunch every day the first week. Join clubs and sports teams that interest you! Get to know a bunch of different people. By the time you figure out who loves you for who you really are, you'll be super interesting and have a lot going on! Not to mention, you might get more confident in those abilities you say you're "kinda" good at, like school, sports, and being outgoing. Soon enough, you'll have tons of friends and guys who like you because you are happy with yourself. Enjoy being the new girl! People will be really excited to meet someone new.

Sound Off

Do you think changing who you are or doing a bit of a personality overhaul once in a while is a good idea or not? Have you ever had to go to a new school like babygaga? How did you handle it? Have your say by leaving a comment below this story!

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