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Dear Dish-It, I'm a Nice, Funny Loser

Dec 27, 2006

Dear Dish-It, is here to whisper "ttyl after I've thought about this some more".

Dear Dish-It,

Ok, here's the deal, I am in the 8th grade and have only had one BF in my life, but it seems that none of the guys like-like me. I don't know if I'm ugly or what! I mean, they seem to go for all of the other girls in my class, but never me! What's the deal? Adults all tell me I'm pretty and don't know why I don't have a BF. But, why don't all the boys think so?
Just Curious

Dear Just Curious,

Ever hear of the term late-bloomer? It has several meanings but in your case, I think it applies to the fact that you aren't dating as early as your friends. It's not the end of the world. Chances are you are pretty and you are a great person - and guys might honestly dig you and you just don't know it. Lots of great girls don't have boyfriends and there could be a ton of reasons why. Some girls are so cool they end up being "one of the guys" which means you stop being looked at in a romantic light and become more of a "sister." It sucks but in a way it's a compliment cuz guys can really relate to you. Hang in there and things will probably change. Also, think of all the bad things you're missing by being single - like the fights, the drama and the trauma of breaking up. Enjoy your singleness.

Dear Dish-It,

I'm a 12 year-old girl and I feel really left out because my two best friends in the whole world both have BFs and I DON'T! I really want one but everytime I try to ask somebody out, they say NO! There's this one guy I like and I'm willing to ask him out, but I'm afraid that everybody will find out and make fun of me because, well, I'm kind of a loser. But I'm a nice funny loser, which I guess is a plus! :) Can you give me some advice?

Dear blue_booger,

You sound like a lot of fun - I can tell just from your nick and your email! Seriously. Girls who are fun and can make jokes are the coolest chicks around - ask any guy! Unfortunately, it may just take time for guys to realize it. Time and maturity. See, in the beginning, a lot of young guys are attracted to the pretty, shy, stuck-up girls cuz they're "mysterious" but eventually most of 'em realize that personality is more important than the right "look" or "mystery." (Girls can be in the habit of doing this too, they go for jerks instead of nice guys cuz they think it's cooler or something.) Hang in there! Right now your fun, goofy friendliness may have you fallin' into that "buddy" category I described above. Also, keep in mind all the cool things about being single I mentioned above as well. And remember, you're 12 - there is a ton of time to date in your future.

Dear Dish-It,

I can't make any friends. I don't know why I can't make friends? Can U help me?

Dear Frogtigg,

Making friends is not as easy as it looks. Sometimes, it may seem like you are the only one in the world with no friends, but there probably isn't a person out there who feels friendless at some point. Have you made an effort to talk to people and invite them to do things? It's hard putting yourself out there - especially hard if you're shy - but it's a necessary evil. Next time you are chatting with someone in the lunch room, or on the school bus, ask them if the wanna catch that new Freddie Prinze Jr. flick. Also, join some activities or committees at school. It's a way to socialize and hang out with peeps - get to know 'em - without too much pressure. And if you do join something - don't just sit in the corner and keep to yourself. Talk to people, participate. It's the only way for people to get to know who you really are. Good luck!

So, ya gotta burnin' question? Need some love directions? Thinkin' 'bout stuff like depression, sex,how ya feel 'bout YOURSELF (that's called "self-esteem"), boyfriends, girlfriends, losin' old friends, bullyin' or peer pressure, but too scared to ask the parents? Don't be scared to .

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