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Just Dance :: Wii Game Review

Reviewed by on Dec 31, 2009
Rating: 1 Star Rating

With over 30 songs that you probably have in some format already if you like them enough, Just Dance on Wii directs you how to wiggle your arms to music that you hoped you’d never hear again.

With over 30 songs that you probably have in some format already if you like them enough, Just Dance on Wii directs you how to wiggle your arms to music that you hoped you’d never hear again. When the only gameplay options consist of mimicking the moves of someone “dancing” on screen, Just Dance is a game that begs the question: Why play it when you can just dance?

Bad Moves

Just Dance is a piece of software that has you following along to a day-glo coloured avatar that never really dances. In fact, if you busted out most of the moves Just Dance has you doing at a party, no one would think you were dancing. Even if you like some of the songs on here, and there are a couple of gems, all of the dance moves in the game are based around moving the Wii-mote, which, as anyone who has danced in real life knows, is not how you actually dance. This is coming from a Dance Dance Revolution fan, and I know that in real life you’re not sticking your feet in four directions to tap coloured arrows to dance, but at least there’s a game there, and it requires you to actually move your body.

Just Stop?

Instead of spending money on Just Dance, why not buy some dance music instead and have a party with some people over and you can all dance to your favourite music. Perhaps your school is putting on a dance sometime soon, or there is a community center that holds youth dances. Just go and dance there instead. These are much more social activities than inviting three friends over to listen to songs most of them will dislike, wiggling their arms to a “game” that will only embarrass them.


Price: $39.99

ESRB Rating: E for Everyone

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