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Shadow :: Book Review

Reviewed by on Apr 27, 2010
Rating: 5 Star Rating

The Queen’s shadow learns that there’s more to her existence than being a royal follower. Check out Kidzworld’s book review and summary of Shadow, a historical fiction book by Jenny Moss.

Title: Shadow
Author: Jenny Moss
Ages: 10+
Rating: 5

The Queen’s shadow learns that there’s more to her existence than being a royal follower. Check out Kidzworld’s book review and summary of Shadow, a historical fiction book by Jenny Moss.

The Prophecy

It began with a prophecy: the Queen will die before her 16th birthday. Shadow is an orphan girl, whose whole life is centered around the Queen. She is her follower, hence the name Shadow. The royal subjects hoped that whatever force planned to kill the Queen would mistakenly kill Shadow instead.

The Escape

When the death toll rings, Shadow is very much alive. She and Sir Kenway—a young knight—make a hasty retreat from the castle. And for the first time in her life, Shadow discovers what lies beyond the royal boundaries. But why is she following Sir Kenway? She should escape, run as far away as she can so that no one accuses her of murder. But something about this handsome knight keeps her spellbound.

The Truth

During their travels through the kingdom, Shadow meets someone who will change her entire life. This person holds the secret to her existence: where she came from, and why she became the Queen’s shadow in the first place.

The Bottom Line

Shadow by Jenny Moss will keep your eyes glued to every page. It’s a terrific historical novel for teens, the kind that will captivate you even if historical fiction isn’t really your thing. The plot is energetic and has a nice flow. Best of all, it combines magic, tragedy, revelations and, of course, love. You won’t be able to put this book down. Let us know what you think of Shadow in our comments section below!

Get it now: Shadow

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