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Freefall Book Review

Reviewed by on Mar 19, 2010
Rating: 4 Star Rating

In this book summary of Freefall by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams, you’ll get the inside scoop on Will Burrows’ latest struggle, as he and his pal Chester fall deep into the Earth.

Title: Freefall
Author: Roderick Gordon & Brian Williams
Ages: 10+
Rating: 4

In this book summary of Freefall by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams, you’ll get the inside scoop on Will Burrows’ latest struggle, as he and his pal Chester fall deep into the Earth.

Deeper Recap

In the third book in the Tunnels series, Freefall, the story picks up where Deeper left off. Almost everyone Will loves is dead—his biological mother, Sarah; his Uncle Tam; his brother, Cal; and his adoptive father, Roger. Or so he thinks. Meanwhile, the evil underground organization known as the Stix are planning to contaminate the Surface with a substance that will wipe out the population. Somehow, some way, Will has to stop them.

A Hole in the Earth

Unfortunately, Will and his friend Chester fall down the Pore—a deep hole in the Earth. Just when they think their freefall will never end, they land in a spongy fungus. Despite their miles-long fall, they survive thanks to the near-zero gravity atmosphere. Will and Chester are almost weightless.

Dangerous Creatures that Live Underground

How can they stop the Stix from contaminating the Earth if they’re stuck deep beneath the surface? The boys search the deeps for a way out. On their journey they meet dangerous beasts like Spider Monkeys and Brights, and a woman who gives them a helping hand.

The Bottom Line

At 599 pages, Freefall by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams is even longer than its prequels, Tunnels and Deeper. While the story has its exciting moments, it includes far too much detail. This book could be half as long and still say the same points. Fortunately, the point-of-view switch between Will, his adoptive mother and his adoptive father keeps the story interesting. If you enjoyed the first two books, then you’ll love Freefall.