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Books About Bullies

Aug 25, 2020

Bullying is a serious subject lots of kids face. Now there are two new books about bullying. Whether you have been bullied, are being bullied, know someone who's being bullied or are a bully yourself, these are two great reads that can help you learn more about the topic - and help you learn how to put an end to bullying.


How To Handle A Bully By Nancy Wilcox Richards

How To Handle A Bully

This is part of a series of books by Nancy Wilcox Richards that includes a cast of characters who have to dealk with different kinds of bullies. In How To Handle A Bully, Rilla and her friends meet at the park every day to practice for their town's first annual Fitness Challenge - first prize is a brand-new bike! But Rilla's challenge won't just be to ace all the events, including the bicycle obstacle cours - she's got to be able to handle the playground bullies, too.

I Am Jack By Susanne Gervay

I Am Jack By Susanne Gervay

This is a very special story by Susanne Gervay about a boy named Jack. Jack has a problem. The school bully has started calling him Bum-head. Soon, the whole school is calling him names, spitting at him, even hurting him physically. Jack can't tell his mum because she has too many other things to worry about. He will have to work it out for himself. But there aren't any quick fixes or Band-Aids to fix Jack's problem - the solution comes only when the people around him work together to tackle the problem for Jack and for all other victims of bullying.

All About Bullying


Over the years Kidzworld has posted tons of great articles about bullies, bullying, being bullied, etc. Follow the links below to get important information, tips and advice about this topic: