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Christmas Gift Ideas For Your Girl: 2009

Jul 10, 2018

Can't think of anything to get your girlfriend this holiday season? Check out Kidzworld's Christmas gift ideas for 2009 and pick out the perfect present to put under her tree!

No. 10: Music CDs

Give your girl the gift of music and keep her toes tapping for the rest of the year! Check out our Music section for reviews on all the newest and hottest albums.

No. 9: Dear Diary

Your girl likely loves to vent her feelings – either in person to her girlfriends or in her own private journal or diary. Give her a gorgeous one where she can record all her thoughts about you! Check out Dear Diary: The Best Diaries & Journals for some ideas!

No. 8: TV On DVD

Is your girl’s ticked off because she missed episodes of her fave TV show, get the entire season for her on DVD. Check out our TV section for reviews on all the hottest shows on the tube.

No. 7: Digital Camera

Giving her a Digital Camera will likely put you in the good books for quite a while; she’ll be snapping pics to document your relationship – and loving you for letting her do so!

No. 6: Hair Care

Girls love to mess with their locks. A Straightening Iron or Curling Iron means your girl will be able to sample all the latest hair trends on herself!

No. 5: Beauty Box

If your girlfriend’s a total style junky who loves experimenting with her makeup, consider getting her a box set of some fab new cosmetics line.

No. 4: Sweet Scents

Give your girl the latest in fragrance: from Britney Spears to Paris Hilton, so many celebs are getting into the perfume game it’s even likely your girlfriend’s fave celeb is making a sweet scent she’ll just love!

No. 3: Charm Bracelet

Charms are a big trend right now – get her started on her collection with a bracelet and maybe even a couple of charms. Then, make it a tradition to get her a new charm for every special occasion that comes up.

No. 2: Magazine Subscription

Check out your girlfriend’s book bag to find out what she’s reading. Inside any magazine you’ll find a pull-out subscription card. Fill it out, make sure to indicate that it’s a gift, and send it off. A new mag will magically appear at your girl’s door each month!

No. 1: Spa Day

If you really want to pamper your baby this holiday season, get her a gift certificate for a spa day at a local hotel, salon or beauty spa. She’ll get relaxed and beautified for your next big night out!

Discuss It: What Are You Getting Your Girl This Christmas?

We want to know what gifts you’ll be giving your girl this holiday season … let us know on the KW Boards !

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