Sure, sure... there's the costumes, the fun of dressing up, the spooky ghost stories and the pranks - but deep down inside we all know what the best thing about Halloween really is: THE CANDY! That's why we're listing the WORST Halloween treats of all time – make sure you don’t collect any of these in your bag!
No. 10: Apples

Apples are usually given out by some well-meaning neighbor who doesn’t want to contribute to tooth decay and thinks kids should be eating healthier. Unfortunately, apples can really weigh down a Halloween bag – especially if it’s paper. Plus, if you’re like most people you’ve already got plenty of your own apples at home.
No. 9: Raisins

Little boxes of stuck-together dried grapes are not what kids want to drag around the neighborhood all night. When we say trick-or-treat, we want candy – not wrinkled grapes! On the plus side, using the empty raisin box as a kazoo can be kinda fun.
No. 8: Candy Corn

This is like the fruitcake of Halloween; it just never goes away. If you love candy corn, that’s cool. Some people do. But others find them sickeningly sweet – and confusing. They taste nothing like corn!
No. 7: Baked Goods

While home-baked cookies are usually a yummy treat, we all know our parents aren’t going to let us eat anything unwrapped or homemade once we get home to check out our Halloween stash. It’s best to leave the fresh cookies for the next bake sale.
No. 6: Dum Dum Suckers

This is a completely overdone candy treat. You can find them in doctor’s offices, restaurants and stores where they’re given away as something sweet for kids and adults. The only advantage to these candies is occasionally you’ll get the creme soda flavor, which happens to be the best of the bunch.
No. 5: Toothbrushes

Dentists and orthodontists should not be allowed to celebrate Halloween if they're going to get all tooth-doctory on us! We all have a personal responsibility to brush, and maybe some of us will forget, a toothbrush instead of a Snickers will not help us remember!
No. 4: Tootsie Rolls

It looks like chocolate and sort of smells like chocolate, but these brown tubes are not real chocolate. Instead, their chewy texture could, quite possibly, loosen the fillings right off your molars!
No. 3: Misc. Hard Candy

Kids just don’t suck on hard candies all day. Those should be left for the candy bowls in waiting rooms where they belong – they just don’t work for Halloween!
No. 2: Dusty Jelly Beans

Jelly beans aren’t THAT bad – as long as they come in a nice little plastic package that protects them from the elements, and from being crushed under the weight of all the other candy in your Halloween bag. Loose jelly beans just don’t cut it at this time of year – they’re bound to get lots at the bottom of the pile or fall out of some tiny random hole.
No. 1: Fun-Sized Chocolate

Since when is one bite fun?! We’d rather trick-or-treat in the rich neighborhood where they hand out full-sized candy bars at every door!