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Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Movie Review

Reviewed by on Sep 19, 2009
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Wannabe inventor Flint Lockwood has finally made a breakthrough: he has created a machine that makes it rain food! Kidzworld reviews Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs!

All his life, Flint Lockwood wanted to be an inventor. As a kid, he created all sorts of inventions, from spray on shoes to hair-unbalder. Unfortunately, every creation was a flop. Now as an adult, Flint is attempting his biggest and best invention yet, something that will help his island of Swallow Falls become more than just Sardine town. He creates a machine that turns water into food.

Invention Gone Haywire

During the unveiling of the Mayor’s latest attempt to make Swallow Falls a tourist town, Flint’s invention goes haywire. It destroys the Mayor’s sardine amusement park and shoots up into the clouds. While wallowing in his grief, Flint witnesses the beginning of a miracle—it starts to rain hamburgers! For the first time in his life, Flint’s invention works!

It's raining food! Cloudy With a Chance of MeatballsIt's raining food!

Raining Food

The town celebrates his wonderful invention, stuffing their faces with the most delicious food imaginable. And no one is more enthusiastic than the Mayor. He wants to use Flint’s creation to make Swallow Falls a tourist attraction. But the more food it rains, the more dangerous the weather is becoming.

Bigger Isn’t Always Better

Soon food grows bigger and bigger until the rain becomes the perfect food storm. A spaghetti tornado rips through town, destroying homes and businesses. Donuts and corn cobs the size of buildings roll through the streets like giant bulldozers. People are running for their lives. But when his computer is destroyed, Flint must fly straight into the eye of the storm to stop his evil creation.

The Bottom Line

Based on the book Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, this film is action-packed and hilarious. With the giant food and amazing effects, it’s definitely a film you need to see on the big screen.

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Rating: 5

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