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The Land of the Lost Movie Review

Reviewed by on Jun 09, 2009
Rating: 2 Star Rating

Dr. Rich Marshall has achieved his lifelong goal—he’s created the world’s first time machine! Kidzworld reviews The Land of the Lost starring Will Ferrell.

Dr. Rich Marshall (Will Ferrell) is a paleontologist who has devoted his life to discovering the secret of time warps. He began building a tachyon device that will allow him to travel faster than the speed of light, and hopefully, help him enter an alternate dimension. But after being ridiculed by talk show host Matt Lauer on public television, Rich gave up on his dream.

Time Warps

A fellow scientist named Holly Cantrell (Anna Friel) who has admired his work for years encourages him to continue building his device. When he finishes, they test it out in a manmade cave. The device creates a portal through time and space, and sucks them, along with their tour guide Will (Danny McBride), into the Land of the Lost.

Creatures of the Lost

At first, Rich can’t believe his luck. He finally accomplished his life goal. But then he realizes that he lost the tachyon device—the only thing that will help them get home. And worse, there are some less than friendly creatures roaming these lands: giant mosquitoes, intelligent dinosaurs and alien-looking creatures called sleeslacks.

The Evil Alien

The three of them, along with their new caveman pal Cha-ka, set out to find their missing device. But before they can go home, they must stop the evil alien who plans to destroy many different planets. And his first stop? Earth!

The Bottom Line

Like all Will Ferrell movies, The Land of the Lost is silly. But unlike classics like Anchorman and Zoolander, there was very little laugh-out-loud humor. The film had a great concept, but some of the effects—particularly the alien characters—looked like they jumped out of the 1974 TV series. They were nothing more than men in green, scaly suits, far from scary in today’s standards. Granted, the movie was intended to be silly and unrealistic, but the creators could’ve put more effort into making it funnier, especially for kids. If this movie is on your must-see list, we suggest you wait for the DVD.

The Land of the Lost Rating: 2

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