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Dear Dish-It: Back To School Advice

Aug 28, 2013

Lots of you have been sending Dish-It questions about school. With kids everywhere back in school, it seems like the perfect time to answer some of those messages. Take a look below to see if your back-to-school question has been answered …

How do you get good grades?

– poohbearof2014

Well, it takes hard work to get good grades. Even people who seem to be naturally “smart” have to work hard, study and review in order to do their best in school. Here are some suggestions, though. When you get homework assigned to you, don’t put it off until the last minute. Start on it right away, even if it takes you a few days or weeks to complete. When you find out about a test, start studying that very same day! Every person studies differently, so you’ll have to try a few different methods – like reading over your notes or copying them out again neatly, making flashcards or studying with a friend – to see what works best for you. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask questions – in class (to your teacher) or at home (to your parents). If you don’t understand something, don’t let it pass you by. Get the answers you need and you’ll do much better in the long run.

How do you avoid a bully?

– courtneyb

Over the years Kidzworld has posted tons of great articles about bullies, bullying, being bullied, etc. Follow the links below to get important information, tips and advice about this topic:What Is Bullying?

How do I stop being a teacher's pet?

I’d never advise you to be someone you aren’t, but if you want to show people there’s a lot more to your personality than just being good at school, maybe you could show your friends you know how to have fun and go out on a limb every now and then? You could also start sitting back in class and letting other people answer some questions once in a while. I’m not saying you should make yourself look dumb; rather, letting other people have the attention once in a while will give you more space to step out of the “teacher’s pet” spotlight. Get out there with your friends and enjoy yourself and people will forget about the other stuff. Remember, it’s not about being someone you’re not, but about showing people the many sides of you.

I am about to start a new school. I have been to many schools in the past but there’s a catch: this time, I’m moving to a different state. I'm really worried about how my new school is gonna be. Please help! – inayc123

I don’t think going to a new school in a different state is going to be any different than changing schools in the same state. It’s always a new environment, new classmates, new teachers. I think you should just do whatever you did the last time you changed schools to cope with this move. Some other tips for making the transition easier include: take a tour of your new school before the first day of class; make sure you’re ready for the first day of school in advance (you don’t want to be stressing out about what to bring or wear on the morning of your first day); get to bed on time the night before your first day and eat a good breakfast on the morning of your first day; and be brave!

I’m scared for Grade 7! I don’t know how to get over my fear!

This is something you need to experience yourself, but I can promise you that you’re not the only one who’s nervous. Also, it’s a feeling that goes away really quickly. Here’s some info about the first day of school that may help:

  • Pay close attention to what your teachers have to say about classroom rules
  • The first day is a great time to make new friends – say hi to the kids you know and introduce yourself to the ones you don’t
  • If you get to choose desks, write down where your seat is so you don’t forget
  • Wear your favorite outfit to put a spring in your step and show off your personal style
  • Make sure you’re ready and have all the supplies you’ll need
  • Take a bit of money with you just in case
  • Pack your backpack the night before to prevent morning panic
  • Write notes to yourself throughout the day to remember where your classes are and what your schedule is like
  • Give yourself time to get adjusted to school – it may take more than one day and that’s OK
  • Get plenty of sleep the night before
  • Eat a healthy breakfast before you leave for school
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